

型染 よつめ染布舎 よつめデザイン 国東市 国見町



今回ご紹介するのは、そんな町に広島県から移住されてきたテキスタイルデザイナー、小野さんがデザインした日本の伝統”型染/ かたぞめ“という機械ではない技法で生み出される作品です。


Yotsume Dyeing Cloth House is located in Kunimi Town, Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture, where Yamashiro’s factory is located.
Kunimi, a small town on the Kunisaki Peninsula bordering the Bungo Channel in front of the workshop, is an artistic town with hidden potential, where the works of Team Lab have been exhibited and ceramic artists live.

The textile designer Mr. Ono, who moved to Kunimi from Hiroshima Prefecture, designed a work using the traditional Japanese “katazome” (stencil dyeing) technique, which is a non-machine method.

The works are produced using the traditional Japanese katazome (stencil dyeing) technique, which is not a machine.
We would like to introduce bold yet delicate products that are at the same time like modern art.

大分県 型染 筒染 染色 染め よつめ そめ ぬの しゃ


The stencil dyeing is a technique in which “glue” is applied to the part of the pattern to be expressed, and the pattern rises to the surface when the glue is removed after dyeing the other parts of the fabric.


At Yotsume Dyeing House, rice flour is used to dye the glue using a traditional technique.

よつめ 染め 筒書き 筒描き 型染 フリーハンド


The “tsutsugaki” technique, in which the glue is applied freehand to the pattern, produces soft curves and blotches that are unique to handmade crafts, and creates a gentle, rounded expression.

テキスタイル デザイン 民藝調 作家 デザイナー 小野 豊一




Mr. Toyokazu Ono is the creator of products with unique patterns and colors.

Born and raised in Hiroshima Prefecture, Mr. Ono studied graphic design as a student and worked at a dyeing factory that took orders for flags and other items. There, he acquired the know-how of stencil and tube dyeing, and returned to his father’s dyeing factory, but when he thought about his own dreams and future, he realized that it would be difficult to realize them in the family business, so he decided to start his own business.

He then moved to Kunimi Town, which was proactive in accepting immigrants, and his textiles are characterized by dynamic yet gentle designs that seem to blend into the natural environment. The textiles produced by Ms. Ono are characterized by dynamic yet gentle designs that seem to blend in with nature.

おおいた くにさき 姫島 手拭い てぬぐい 綿 タオル 汗拭き

国東半島 手ぬぐい



The series of hand towels, which expresses the original landscape of the Kunitachi Peninsula with a good mix of tradition and creativity, is a folk art style hand towel expressing the Bon Dance of Himejima, held for three days from August 14 to 16 every year.

The Bon dance of Himejima is said to have developed from the Nenbutsu dance of the Kamakura period.
The hand towel, with its fun fox dance, raccoon dog dance (from above), and many new creative dances, is a modern finish when wrapped around the neck as a sweatband, and will be a piece that will create a buzz when taken out quickly as a handkerchief.

くにさきのおと 市民 本 雑誌 案内 冊子 商工会 市役所



The design of the hand towel featuring the Shujo Onie (bottom line) motif is based on the fire festival held at the Rokkoumansan temple on the Kunitou Peninsula in Oita Prefecture, and is inspired by Mr. Ono’s sensibility.

Oni (ogres) on the Kunisaki Peninsula are believed to be incarnations of Buddha, and the design depicts an ogre and his attendant “taireshi” parading around with torches saying “oni ha yo raisho ha yo” (meaning “oni ha yo” in Japanese).

がまぐち がま口 名刺入れ カードケース 小物





The “gama-guchi” and “business card holders/card cases” made with textiles using beautiful contrasting colors are products created from the nature felt in the sea, beaches, mountains, and rivers of the Kunisaki Peninsula.

They are honest, graceful, and vivid.
Sometimes as bright and lively as the sun, and sometimes as calm as the evening calm.

The designs and materials that seem to blend in with nature are the unique accessories of “Yotsume Dyeing Cloth House,” and you will want to slip them gently into your bag.

ストール スカーフ 巻物 柄 テキスタイル おしゃれ オシャレ



We have a selection of large-sized scarves that are perfect for the coming season, including scarves in vivid colors with “four eyes” that randomly appear when you wrap them around your head, which imitate the name of a store.

よつめ染布舎 カレンダー 可愛い デザイン 2024 2024

よつめ染布舎カレンダー 2024


The “Yotsume Dyeing Cloth House Calendar” provides a contrast of vivid and gentle colors from month to month, and can be placed next to your work desk or on your bathroom door. If you frame the pattern of the finished month, it will become a piece of art that will enhance any ordinary space.
This calendar is a fun calendar for the year 2024 that is born softly.

日本 伝統 染色 技法 布 染め 衣 服 のれん 手ぬぐい 制作 プリント 作品

ご縁があったというよりも、インスタグラムで見つけた先が国東市のクリエーターさんだったという方が正しいかも? な今回の出会いが生んだ山城のセレクト”よつめ染布舎“の商品です。

It may be more correct to say that we found a creator in Kunisaki City on Instagram rather than that we had a connection with him. This is a product of Yamashiro’s select “Yotsume Dyeing Cloth House,” which was born from this encounter.
This item is also available only at the store, so please stop by if you are in Kyoto in the fall.

大分県 国東市 国見町 国東町 作り手 職人 メーカー ブランド





三代目のコラム 記憶を辿る1話はこちら>>>>





