

麻素材の下着は数あれど、これまでに着心地のサラッとしたトランクスは他にはありません! と断言したくなる山城の麻100%トランクスは、いままでホワイトの一択でしたが、この度ブラックとネイビーが加わりました。



There are many hemp underwear, but no other trunks are as comfortable and smooth to wear as these! Yamashiro’s 100% Linen trunks used to be available in white, but now black and navy have been added.

The greatest feature of hemp is that it has higher fiber hardness than cotton, so it keeps the shape of the grooves in the fabric longer, which is the feature of Pleats  fabric, and the wind that flows through the grooves blows through it more than cotton material.

Those with sensitive skin may feel a tingling sensation.
It is not only free from “steaminess” caused by sweat and body temperature in hot and humid summer, but also has excellent quick-drying and water-absorbing properties, so sweat rash is a thing of the past.

長年クレープ肌着の麻100%を着用してきた方も、山城のトランクスを試してからはスーツ以外の時はこれ以外履かないです! というお声も頂戴している唯一無二の履き心地トランクスは、紳士下着メーカーは数あれど、下着(肌着)というカテゴリーが故にコストかかりすぎ、なかなかお目にかかることがないアイテムとなっております。日本で本当の本麻楊柳生地で商品化しているのは山城を含めて2社のみ。

Some people who have been wearing 100% hemp crepe underwear for many years have said, “After trying Yamashiro’s trunks, I won’t wear anything else but these except for suits! There are many men’s underwear makers, but these trunks are a rare item because of the high cost of the underwear (underwear) category. Only two companies in Japan, including Yamashiro, have commercialized these trunks made of real Line willow fabric.




White is see-through. The colored trunks are good news for those who have been avoiding white because of its transparency.
The navy color, which gives you a more dandy-like look without sacrificing comfort, and the chic and modern black color are the ones that will be completed by our customers.

We have produced a limited number of these trunks for trial purposes, as some customers have asked for more colors this time around.

Once worn, it is an addiction that cannot be stopped.
Whether it is a hot and humid summer or a heated commute to work, the lack of steaminess is undeniable. Incidentally, although we cannot say it too loudly, many women also wear them as a substitute for pettipants.
How about men’s trunks in more colors?

近江麻 ちぢみ加工 メンズ トランクス
M / L / 麻100% / 5,500 / ホワイト / ネイビー / ブラック





