

To-ji Temple, a legacy of Heian-kyo that has remained over 1200 years
Even today, the temple still retells the face of the ancient capital.
The temple keeps peaceful time, guided by the majestic five-storied pagoda.

東寺 新年 空 京都 五重の塔 ランドマーク 空海 弘法大使 1200年



When most people think of Hatsumode in Kyoto, Yasaka Shrine, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, or Shimogamo Shrine come to mind, but I go to To-ji Temple for Hatsumode.

Although I do not like crowds, the joy of taking the first step into a new year in this beautiful air is very dear to me. Instead of a formal kimono, I put on my favorite winter coat, a boa hanten. I go out as if for a walk.

元旦 お正月 お出掛け 散歩 初詣 ボア 半纏


Wrapped in the mild New Year sunshine, I went to To-ji Temple in the early morning when it was still quiet.
I love the boa hanten, which is very useful as room wear, not only for its warmth but also for its convenience in use as going out wear.

ピケ 菩薩 観智院 ボア 素材 古都 散歩


The extra-thick boa fabric protects against the piercing cold.
The inside is covered with Yamashiro’s Cotton Pleats, and the Cotton Pleats is excellent at dissipating the humidity that tends to stay inside, keeping the temperature you feel natural. It will always keep me at a comfortable temperature and wrap me gently and warmly in the New Year.

南大門 境内 神社 鎮守八幡宮 五十塔 王城鎮護



Chinju Hachiman-gu Shrine stands quietly on the west side of Nandaimon.
A quiet path leads up to the five-storied pagoda.

Chinju Hachiman-gu Shrine was enshrined in 796 (Enreki 15), when To-ji Temple was built, to pray for the protection of the royal castle. The enshrined statues of Hachiman God and Goddess (Jyoshin) in monk form are said to have been carved by Kobo-Taishi from a single sacred tree, and are said to be the oldest statues of God in Japan.

神社 願い事 拝む 鎮守八幡宮 女神像二尊 僧形 八幡神像 冬 コーデ



Kyoto is cold at the bottom of the winter. Even when the sun shines, the coldness from the feet accentuates the coldness, so I use leg warmers to gently protect my feet from the cold.

The leg warmers made of pleated cotton fabric protect my feet throughout the year, from the air conditioner in summer to the cold in winter. The pleated fabric is less constricting and does not restrict movement, so I am more than happy with the ease of use.

神社 仏閣 兎 防寒 嵯峨天皇 足利尊氏 ワンマイル


Once, Kobo-Taishi prayed for Emperor Saga,
In the Nanboku-cho Period, he prayed at the historic shrine that led Ashikaga Takauji to victory.
Quiet and solemn, I prayed for peace in 2023 at this moment.

防寒 グッズ おしゃれ レッグウォーマー 足利尊氏 ウォーキング


The natural elasticity of the Cotton Pleats allows you to shorten or extend it as you like, depending on the temperature of the day or your fashion sense. The absence of the prickly feel of synthetic fibers also makes it stress-free.

ボア 半纏 hanten 楊柳 生地 山城 極厚 ブログ ようりゅう


This boa hanten can be used as home wear or one-mile outfits.
It is an essential item for winter because it can be used as outerwear for a short trip if you match a hoodie with it as an inner layer.

檜皮色 綿 プリーツ ウォームビズ 冬対策


Leg warmers are a convenient item for morning walks as well as a fashionable item because they stay there. After all, they go great with sneakers.
They are a great way to add color to your feet and protect them from the cold, so as long as you have this item, you can take on any fashion challenge.

もこもこ ユニセックス 着こなし 楊柳 ホームウェア 保温性



Begin a new year dressed in your favorite items and praying at a world heritage site. Stop at a small moment in history and take a deep breath.

Wishing for a wonderful year is something that has not changed for 1200 years.
Now, the year 2023 has begun.

観光 古都 五重塔 歴史 名所 スポット 京都府

ご紹介商品 】
ボア 半纏
綿 レッグウォーマー 
檜皮色 / 生成色 / 濃鼠色

【 Products 】
Boa Hanten
Cotton Leg Warmers
Off white / Cypress bark / Dark gray

