

There are several shopping streets in Kyoto. Each shopping district has its own personality and even its own culture.
Of course, most of them are used by locals, but they also have their own charms that make them worth the trouble of visiting.

コーデュロイパンツ 地厚 素材 立体感 縦畝 たてうね 服地 着こなし おすすめ

行き先は、大好きな三条商店街、目指すは「KYOTO KEIZO OKASHIさん」

Today I went out to look for a gift for my husband for Valentine’s Day.
My destination was my favorite Sanjo shopping street, 「KYOTO KEIZO OKASHI」
I walked out like a child with my eco-bag made of willow fabric, dangling from it.

綿横 ビロード織 パイル地の ベロア 光沢感 特徴 スタイル ざっくり ぬくもり 素材感 ワイドレッグ


While the kids they are at school,  I want to go there so I have to make the most of my limited time.
In such cases, corduroy easy pants are a great help. Not only are they easy to move around in, but they are also very convenient because they can be used as both home wear and going-out wear.
I also love that the raised fabric on the inside provides soft warmth.

温かい 表情 豊か 表面 毛羽 生地 保温性 高める 見た目 秋冬用 素材 コットン ブラシ かけた 逆毛 縫製


Sanjo Shopping Street is one of the oldest shopping streets in Kyoto, a delightful mix of old and new, lined with traditional stores and cafes in renovated machiya houses. The 800-meter-long arcade, one of the largest in western Japan, adds to the excitement.

19世紀 イギリス 上流階級 愛用 ハンティング ジャケット アウトドア用 カジュアル ウェア アメリカ アイビー エリート ベルベット状 エレガント

KYOTO KEIZO OKASHIは、カフェでいただく10分モンブランが有名で、その道40年のパティシエが作るお菓子は、

KYOTO KEIZO OKASHI is famous for its 10-minute Mont Blanc served in the café, a pastry made by a pastry chef with 40 years of experience in his field,
The pastries made by the pastry chef, who has been in the business for 40 years, are all delicious and gentle. Since the opening of the take-out store, I sometimes visit the store because I can enjoy the deliciousness at home.

品質 密度 高い 吸水性 高く 肌触り なめらか 上質 風合 高密度 織り上げ


A lineup of baked sweets. I can imagine my husband’s happy face, who loves sweets. After choosing a number of items that I thought he would like, I had to choose a treat for myself. The other day, a friend of mine raved about the delicious roll cake, so I selected it without hesitation!トレンド シェフパンツ ゆったり シルエット きれいめ スタイリング


In the cold city of Kyoto, inner tights were indispensable for going out, but since I got the Corduroy easy pants,
They are warm enough without inner tights, and above all, comfortable to the touch. The beige color is easy to match with any color, so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about coordinating with other colors.

次世代 イージーパンツ シルエット 今 旬 程良く ワイド リラクシー


The stretchiness of the eco-bag made of Cotton Pleats allows you to shop a lot.

別名 コックパンツ シェフ 厨房 愛用 仕事着 運肢 邪魔しない 太さ ずり落ちない ウエスト ゴム ドローコード


People passing by on the shopping street. The ordinary scenery of the city. The charm of Kyoto, a city that never changes, overflows in everyday life.
I hurried homeward, taking in the usual view of the Sanjo shopping street.

裏起毛ピケ コーデュロイイージーパンツ
ブラック | Black / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(税込)
キャメル| Camel / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(税込)

【 Products】
■Lined Pique Corduroy Easy Pants
Black / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(tax included)
Camel / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(tax included)

Kyoto keizo okashi 京都 キョウト ケイゾー オカシ きょうと けいぞう おかし

TEL : 075-822-6666
営業時間 : 10:00~19:00
定休日 : 不定休

