

The market was quiet in the late afternoon.

やみつき 確定 イージーパンツ おすすめ コーディネート ゴム入り ウエスト パンツ 部屋着 ラク おしゃれ


The market, which is full of activity in the early morning, now retains only a trace of its former glory. The Kyoto Central Wholesale Market was the first central wholesale market in Japan. The market is a curious mix of contemporary and traditional, where an old-fashioned atmosphere remains in a town corner that is now beginning to be developed and improved.

イージーパンツ はき心地 イージー パンツ ストレッチ ウエストゴム タイプ 快適 機能的 素材


Beige corduroy easy pants with white turtleneck sweater. The raised fabric on the inside fits comfortably.
I like this feeling so much that I choose these pants exclusively for my walks.
The moderately loose fit is perfect for strolling, and I enjoy my walks more than ever with the goal of feeling comfortable and easy to walk in.

体 締め付けない 体型 気になる 大人 休日 リラックス感 ワイド シルエット トレンド


The casual conversation of the market people as they finish their work is pleasant to the ears. The back streets lead to a town I have never seen before, similar to the excitement that overflows from the exploration of my childhood. turret truck placed haphazardly, cardboard boxes piled up, sunlight streaming in.
I have a feeling that I will find a delicious restaurant patronized by the market people.
The charm of the central market, which can be said to be the backyard of Kyoto’s food industry, seems to be similar to that of romance.

ワイド テーパード クリーン 素材 ワイドテーパード シルエット パンツ タック入り ウエストゴム ゆとり イージー はき心地 センタープレス


The comfort of 100% cotton has become more deeply felt since I became an adult. The fascination of fabrics is profound, and the more one learns about them, the more interesting they become. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the comfort of the skin is a comfort only for adults, as I did not notice it when I was younger.
It never occurred to me that I could care for my skin the way I care for my body through the clothes I wear.

次世代 イージーパンツ シェフ パンツ シルエット ワイド リラクシー ワークシーン シェフパンツ


The raised fabric inside gently wraps you in warmth and delivers the happiness of being on holiday.
It can be used as home wear as well as for walks as it is, making it a convenient piece of clothing that enriches your one-mile experience.
You will proud of yourselves for having made a good purchase.

別名 コック パンツコックパンツ シェフ 厨房 仕事着 ドローコード オーバーサイズ 人気


Well, let’s turn the next corner. I proceed like an explorer, filled with anticipation for new encounters and discoveries.
I feel excited like a child.

無地 ストライプ チェッカー 色柄 バリエーション ワイドシルエット シンプル トップス 作業着 ベース リゾート ミリタリー 旬 テイスト

裏起毛ピケ コーデュロイイージーパンツ
ブラック | Black / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(税込)
キャメル| Camel / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(税込)

【 Products】
■Lined Pique Corduroy Easy Pants
Black / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(tax included)
Camel / Small / Medium / Large / 11,000yen(tax included)

京都中央卸売市場 周辺

