

Enjoy the changing seasons surrounded by comfort


The footsteps of spring are beginning to be heard in Kyoto.
It still feels a little chilly, but it makes me want to take off my thick coat and go out.
However, the change of seasons is between warmth and coldness, and it is hard to decide what to wear.


そんな私のお気に入りが 裏起毛ハイネック。

As I have slightly sensitive skin, I select items that are comfortable for my bare skin during the change of seasons.

One of my favorites is Brushed Pique high neck.
It is soft and comfortable. The warmth is like the sun gently wrapping my skin. I am happy to use it not only for a quick trip to the store, but also for relaxing time at home.

先日は、同じ裏起毛の コーデュロイ イージーパンツ と合わせてお出かけを。
ユニセックスの コーデュロイ イージーパンツ は、ロールアップしてスニーカーに合わせれば、カジュアルな着こなしを楽しめる。

The other day, I paired them with the same back-fabric Corduroy easy pants for a day out.
These unisex corduroy easy pants can be rolled up and worn with sneakers for a casual look.



Now that I have made some progress in cooking for myself, which I started when I started living alone, I think I should be particular about my dishes.
I hope my encounter with cute dishes will lead me to enjoy cooking.

With this thought in mind, I pick up the dishes.

手作りの温もりを感じる TOKINOHA の器たち。 HOTOKI で過ごす時間には、小さな出会いがたくさんある。


TOKINOHA handmade dishes with a sense of warmth. There are many small encounters when you spend time at HOTOKI.
A careful life envisioned through the dishes. The feel of the soft, brushed fabric lining against your skin.

Everything is gentle and makes you look forward to the new season even more.

同じ 裏起毛ハイネック でも、イチバンのお気に入りが フリルハイネック

The same Brushed Pique high neck with fur lining, but my favorite is the Frill High Neck.
The gentle, fluttering ruffles subtly convey a sense of femininity. The frills are not too elegant, so they can be worn casually as well.
High-necks are great for layering in the colder months, but in early spring, they can be worn alone without hesitation.
I like the simplicity of this item, which is not too overdressed, as it is my own style.


手間隙を惜しまず、丁寧に作られる TOKINOHA の器は、使うほどに魅了を増す。
小さな器に込められる、職人さんの真摯な姿に出会えるのも HOTOKI の魅力。

Every time you increase your cooking repertoire, you will want more and more dishes.
We have a feeling that you will find such dishes that you will want to use all the time.

The large window on the first floor allows you to see the craftsmen in their workshop. The dishes are produced by gentle, strong, and very delicate hands.
The more you use TOKINOHA carefully crafted vessels, the more fascinating they become.
The charm of HOTOKI is that you can see the sincerity of the craftsmen who put their heart and soul into their small vessels.

だけど、 裏起毛 の心地良さに包まれていると、そんなことも忘れてしまう。

Busy days pass by. The change of seasons is always a busy time.
But when you’re wrapped in the comfort of the Brushed Pique you’ll forget all about it.


The tenderness of the Brushed Pique, which makes my bare skin feel enchanted, gently wraps my skin, which is easily shaken by the change of seasons.
The season changes from winter to spring. It is precisely at such times that I want to be wrapped in tenderness.
Let’s enjoy the happiness of spending the changing season comfortably and slowly.


■ 裏起毛ピケ ハイネック / 裏起毛ピケ フリルハイネック / 裏起毛ピケ コーデュロイ イージーパンツ
裏起毛ピケ ハイネック 長袖シャツ 炭黒色 / M,L,LL / 7.920yen(税込)
裏起毛ピケ ハイネック 長袖シャツ 乳白色 / M,L,LL / 7.920yen(税込)

裏起毛ピケ コーデュロイ イージーパンツ キャメル / S,M,L / 11,000yen(税込)

Brushed pique high neck /Brushed pique frill high neck / Brushed pique corduroy easy pants
Brushed pique high neck long sleeve shirt Charcoal black / M,L,LL / ¥7.920(tax included)
Brushed pique high neck long sleeve shirt Milky white / M,L,LL / ¥7.920(tax included)

Brushed Pique Corduroy Easy Pants Camel / S,M,L / ¥11,000(tax included)


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□京都市営地下鉄 烏丸線
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