

I was taking a walk for the first time in a long while in Higashiyama Yasui, where there are many tourists.
A little south of Konpira-gu Shrine, I found a small sign that I had not noticed before.

京都 東山安井 散歩 金毘羅宮 カフェ 紅茶専門店

勇気を出して入ってみることにした。(Teastand T) 

Kyoto has many alleys. This is a stand cafe in a back alley where you feel like exploring and are drawn in by whim. When I peeked in, I found friendly staff and a nice atmosphere inside.
I decided to brave the elements and go in. (Teastand T)

路地裏 スタンドカフェ 麻混 大きめ Tシャツ オレガノ 茶色

(麻混 メンズ ビッグシルエット Tシャツ)

Off for the first time in a while, I decided to go with this T-shirt, a favorite that can be worn roughly and casually. It feels good during the day when the temperature rises.

山城 綿 コットン 天然素材 生地 上質 キレイめ


It is easy to wear and has a nice modern silhouette. I like the body color and the slightly thicker collar, which gives it a casual yet beautiful impression.

TeastandT ミルクティー 環境に良い ものづくり スタンダード


A hidden tea stand I found on a street I had previously passed by.
The interior has a street-like feel that I like.

隠れ家的 ティースタンド ストリート感 内装 心地良い


It is rare to find a tea stand that specializes in milk tea. I am usually a coffee drinker, but today I wanted to change my mood with a rich tea flavor, so I ordered a flavored milk tea that was recommended by the friendly staff.

ミルクティー専門店 ティースタンド コーヒー 豊か 紅茶 フレーバー
聞けばオーナーさんは大きなリサイクル会社の経営をされているようで、 こちらのスタンドカフェも全てがアップサイクルできるように考えられていた。レトロ感のある牛乳ビンの飲み物なんて久しぶりに飲んだな。

The owner of this stand café seems to own a large recycling company, and everything here was designed to be upcyclable. I haven’t had a drink from a retro-looking milk bottle in a long time.

環境 リサイクル カフェ アップサイクル レトロ 牛乳ビン


When I returned the last bottle I had finished drinking, I received ¥100 back as a recycling fee. A fusion of cute, funny, and non-disposable with the present! It reminded me of an incident at a candy store in my neighborhood.

着心地 爽やか 天然素材 紅茶 フレーバー 贅沢 路地奥のお店

自分だけが知っているような気持ちになれる路地奥の店、京都の奥ゆかしさをまた知ることがTeastand Tで出来た。


A luxurious time to enjoy tea, flavors and a slightly sweet aroma.
At Teastand T, I was able to discover again the depths of Kyoto, a store in a back alley that makes you feel as if you are the only one who knows it.

New discoveries that start with a little adventure.
Let’s go out to the town to look for them tomorrow.


【 ご紹介商品 】
■麻混 メンズ ビッグシルエット Tシャツ
オレガノ / インクネイビー / スチールグレー / ブラック
XLサイズのみ / 綿85%,麻15% / 6,600円(税込)

Teastand T
