
三代目 コラム 記事 ブログ 日記 インスタグラム instagram


– The Beginning of a Memory Tracing…





Each person is born and raised differently, and their innate individuality, which includes these differences, shines through in the framework of society. It is not a famous song, but every individuality is beautiful. The only difference is the situation in which you are placed, but if you look around from the other side, you can see that you are very compatible.

With this in mind, I think my goal is “neutrality.

The “in-between” of everything. It would be even better if the answer to the “in-between” question is also “in-between.


先日お世話になった方から、せっかく三代目としてコラムを書くんだから、あなたの歴史を書いてみればというご提案を頂いた。けっこう面白いと思うよと。私のような人間の歴史に興味ある人なんかいるのか? と思うが、同様の意見も多数頂いた。


The other day, a friend of mine suggested that since I am writing a column as the third generation of Yamashiro, I should write about your history. He said it would be quite interesting. Who would be interested in the history of a person like me? I thought.

But, because of this, I would like to share my history with you from now on. I don’t know if you are interested or not, but I hope you will look at it neutrally. I would be honored if my columns can be of some help to you and reassure you that there are people like me in the world.

記憶を辿る 2話はこちら>>>




