
三代目 コラム ブログ 日記 インスタ インスタグラム




The other day, I was on location at a client’s factory.

It was the kind of “fun time” I had been looking for, as if I were dreaming. I think the staff assigned to the column were working very hard because I had taken them on location yesterday and today. The photography staff and models were also trying their best to get closer to the image I had in mind.

I was impressed by the effort each of them put into the project.

楊柳 クレープ ちぢみ 縮 縮み 高島 滋賀県




Location shooting is hard work. Preparing products, sharing images, reserving locations, and even moving around.

However, there is no waiting around for the work that is assigned to us. We are always trying our best on the situation. As a company, we continue to question and answer how we can help workers to realize their own selves while having a good time, but it was a day that made me realize that we will continue to pursue this goal.

I think of the dawn when the gears have finally begun to move.

t シャツ tシャツ オリジナル レディース 女性 婦人 ミセス

【 ご紹介商品 】

レディース 七分袖 Tシャツ / M / L / LL / 4,180yen(税込)


フェクトリー ブランド 工場 発信 直売 製造直販 販売

【 ご紹介商品 】

レディース 半袖 Tシャツ / M / L / LL / 4,180yen(税込)


ネット web オンライン ショップ 楽天

【 ご紹介商品 】

ムラ染 プリーツシャツ 半袖 / F / 12,100yen(税込)


