
中京区 三代目 田の字 京都 地区 高倉 生祥 小学校

– 田の字の遊び場 –

– Playground in the tanoji.







20年ほど経って担任と話をした際、あの時なんであんなキツかったんですか? と聞いたら”奥さんと上手くいってへんかってん”と言われ、みんなで大笑いしたのだが、右に習えを良しとする今じゃ考えられない逸話だ。それぐらい腹の立つ子だったのだろうし、先生も人間味が全面に出ている時代だった。

In the later half of 1975, the Tominokoji-Sanjo neighborhood where Yamashiro is located was undergoing a hollowing-out process known as the “doughnutization” phenomenon.
At a time when condominiums and houses in the suburbs were selling like crazy, there were fewer than 30 students in every grade in the city’s elementary schools, and students moved on to the same class for the next six years. Because it was such a small school, there was not a senior or junior student in the entire school that I did not know, and for me, who had no siblings, it was like being part of a family.
I was always at the front of the line.
I was so short that my health care teacher would call me individually and ask me, “Do you have any problems? Unlike today, I was a super-positive guy, and I remember laughing and saying, “What are you talking about? I remember laughing it off.
My homeroom teacher often scolded me.
One time, after school, I broke a piece of glass at school.
He was so angry with me that he used a duct tape handle and gave me a full swing, and then sprayed me with the water for fire extinguisher. That was hard to take.
When I talked to my homeroom teacher about 20 years later, I asked him why did you give me such a hard time? He said, “Because he didn’t get along with his wife,” and we all had a huge laugh. It is an anecdote that would be unthinkable today, but it is a story of a child who must have been that angry, and it was a time when the teachers were very human.







The playground was also an unusual place to play.
The most fun of all was a game of tag at the now defunct Junkudo on Shijo Tominokoji, where we made full use of the elevators and escalators of the five-story bookstore, no touching if there were customers. We ran away quietly in small runs, and if we were lucky, we warped to another floor by elevator. However, after 30 minutes, the clerks noticed, and many times we were warned on the floor we had warped to.
I remember that the clerks who at first gave me gentle cautions eventually came after me like demons as I was warned over and over again. This is when I learned that if you make a serious person angry, they are more frightening than anything else.
Since we played tag like this, it was natural that I was well versed in knowing which way to go out the kitchen door of various inns and buildings, and which hidden passageway to take in an apartment building. At the Daiei store in Rokkun Plaza (Kyogoku Rokkaku), food tasting events were held every day.
I would say to the customer, “I’m going to tell my mother!
I remember going to the Daiei many times to try the food samples, saying something like, “I’ll tell my mother!
The adults were excited when Hanshin won the championship, a team that usually finished at the bottom of the table.
My friend’s father was so intense that he came to watch the athletic festival from his private helicopter. My friends from elementary school, who in their own way were experiencing the dynamism of the times, spent six years in a small group, and our relationship was so dense that it would have been unimaginable in other school districts.

記憶を辿る 9話はこちら>>>





