
jika zika tabi 地下 足袋 日本製 国産 メーカー マルゴ まるご 丸五 京都 販売 ショップ

創業104年の信頼 MARUGO の足袋




そこで今回は創業104年という経験も知識も豊富な信頼の地下足袋メーカーの老舗 “丸五”さんの足袋をご紹介したいと思います。

Japanese people may imagine festivals or construction sites when they hear the word Tabi Shoes.
Recently, famous designer brands from abroad have been attracting attention by re-designing the traditional Japanese Tabi Shoes, and they are not only attracting attention for their novelty, but also for the comfort of wearing them.

Many sneakers have been launched with a design that covers the entire toe, and if you notice, it has become common knowledge, but this is common knowledge as a result of incorporating foreign culture, and it is a well-known fact that here in Japan, footwear with an independent thumb was common until recently.

As we get older, our needs change, and we want comfort in our clothes and lightness and comfort in our shoes, which is why we tend to want to wear socks that are split in two or five-finger socks.

We would like to introduce you to the Tabi Shoes of Marugo, a long-established and trusted Tabi Shoes manufacturer with a wealth of experience and knowledge from its 104-year history.

中京区 取扱店 Dealer kyoto city nakagyo barefoot shoes ベアフットシューズ





実際に履いていて思うのは長時間歩いても疲れにくく、甲高の多い日本人にはむしろ足袋の方が合っているのでは? と思うほど。 ソール(足底)も長年のデータの蓄積から減りも遅いゴムを使用されていててコスパも抜群です。

In other countries, sneakers with split toes or five toes are called “barefoot shoes,” but have you ever worn such sneakers?

In Kyoto, there is a famous brand of Tabi Shoes that uses unique pop textiles for the upper part of Tabi Shoes, so I am sure there are many people who have tried them. In fact, there may be many people who say they never wear Tabi Shoes except for Tabi Shoes.

Even in our store, which has been renovated for about six months, we are often asked, “Do you sell Tabi Shoes? Where can I find Tabi Shoes? Tabi Shoes are more comfortable to wear than sneakers, which cover the entire foot, because Tabi Shoes are designed with an independent thumb.

I think that Tabi Shoes are more suitable for Japanese people with a high instep. I think Tabi Shoes are more suitable for Japanese people with a high instep. The sole is also slow to wear down due to the accumulation of data over many years, and the cost performance is outstanding.

スニーカー 祭り 作業 工事 人力車 靴 Sneakers Festival Work Construction Rickshaw Shoes



Nowadays, there are also magic types that can be worn comfortably, but the “kohaze” type, which can be freely adjusted to your own unique ankle, provides a comfortable hold. When the fabric of the upper stretches over time, or when your ankle becomes stiff due to changes in your physical condition, you can adjust the upper loosely, or tighten it a little tighter when walking for long hours.
It is also a pleasure to be able to enjoy them in various ways depending on your mood of the day.

女性 女 婦人 女子 男性 男子 紳士 サイズ 販売 小売 Women Men Gentlemen Size Sales Retail



Yamashiro has enlisted the cooperation of designers, artists, and yuzen dyeing artists who have helped him in the past, and is considering a limited-time project to create “a pair just for me in the world. The upper of the upper can be painted, or the lining can be boldly rolled up and worn like a chic Edo child.




Another type of Tabi Shoes is designed more like a sneaker than a Tabi Shoes.
The fabric covering the foot (upper) is made of knit material, and this urban design Tabi Shoes is designed to fit the shape of the foot perfectly. It can be worn quite comfortably by pulling the strap at the heel.

The sole part that touches the ground is filled with air for a “fluffy” feel, making these Tabi Shoes not only the perfect companion for commuting to work or school, but they also give you a fashionable and modish look that can be coordinated with a wide range of outfits.





Customers from overseas all come to our store calling Tabi Shoes “Ninja Boots,” but as for knit Tabi Shoes, the image of a sock with an air sole may be closer. They are perfect for the coming season because of their excellent wearability.

They are also great with pants that taper slightly toward the hem. Sizes range from 22cm to 28cm. We recommend wearing one size down or half a size down.
For those who imagine an urban and sophisticated Tabi Shoes.

Whether you are a regular wearer or a newcomer, it is interesting to explore the roots of the Japanese people.
Whether you are a regular wearer or a newcomer to Tabi Shoes, you may find something interesting when you explore the roots of the Japanese people.
Tabi Shoes from a long-established company are now available only at our stores. Please give them a try.

昭和 時代 レトロ 食器 コップ グラス ヴィンテージ 販売 店 ショップ 取扱 京都 中京区





Vintage glasses from the 1970s, about 50 years ago, are now in stock.
These vintage tableware with cute patterns were sold by glass manufacturers such as Tsukamoto Glass during the period of high economic growth. Among them, the current “Adelia” is a brand of glassware that evokes a sense of nostalgia and Showa-era retro style.

You may have seen “those glasses” at your grandma’s house or your grandmother’s house when you were little.
It has been about 50 years since my memories of “that glass” that I was told not to touch and looked at with a sideways glance. The design of the bottom of the glass, which is no longer in use, the drinking spout, and the handle are all indicative of a time slip back to those days.

All are one-of-a-kind vintage glasses, with the next shipment yet to be announced.
Please take a look at them in the store.

ビンテージ アデリア 東洋ガラス 石塚硝子 ブランド セレクト

ご紹介商品  】
■マルゴ 地下足袋 6枚コハゼ / Black
23cm〜29cmまで / インソールも同時販売中

■マルゴ ニット足袋 / Black
22cm〜28cmまで / インソール付

■昭和レトロ ヴィンテージペアグラス
各1セットのみ / 2,960円(税込)〜

[ Products ]
■Marugo Tabi Shoes 6-Ply / Black
23cm~29cm / Insoles available at the same time
7,700 yen (tax included)

■Marugo Knit Tabi Shoes / Black
22cm-28cm / with insole
8,250 yen (tax included)

■Showa century Retro Vintage Pair of Glasses
Only one set of each / 2,960 yen (tax included)



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