
クラウドファンディング クラファン マクアケ


今回、クラウドファンディングという形での商品発売となりましたが、皆様クラウドファンディングをご存知でしょうか? 端的にいうと、こんな商品を発売するので応援してください!

クラウドファンディングを募るウェブサイトは数々ありますが、その中の最大手である Makuake / マクアケ さんとご縁をいただき、販売開始させていただくこととなりました。

New from the largest crowdfunding company, Makuake.
The summer sun is stronger than you think.
This Yakenu Cotton is a sun protection against the reflected light from buildings and windows, sunburn protection for unprotected backs, 100% cotton which is gentle to the skin, wide openings to avoid suffocation, and freedom from the skin irritation of a summer mask.

This time, we have launched the product in the form of crowdfunding. Simply put, we are launching a product like this, and we need your support!
Those who support us will receive a discount on the regular price, or will receive a variety of benefits!
This is a form of sales in which people pre-order products at a lower price than normal sales.

There are many websites for crowdfunding, but we have been able to get in touch with Makuake, one of the largest crowdfunding websites in Japan, and we are going to start selling the product.

夏 サマー 蒸し 暑い 涼しい 楽 冷感 マスク ますく

お肌に優しいヤケーヌコットン –

Yakenu Cotton is gentle to the skin.
We use W gauze, which is gentle to babies’ delicate soft skin, so it quickly absorbs sweat that drips even when standing, and frees you from skin irritation caused by the moisture inside the mask.

日焼け 日差し UV 紫外線 日除け ガード




It all started with a customer.

Yakenu is a trademark-registered original product of Marufuku Textile, a company based in Aichi Prefecture. As some of you may or may not know, Yakene is a big hit on major mail-order websites, including Rakuten Market, where it has become the No. 1 selling product.

I first learned of Yakenu about a year ago.
It was because of the feedback we received from Yamashiro’s clothing users, those who were suffering from rough skin, and customers who had repeatedly come back to us.

顔 フル フェイス ガード 覆う 隠れる 隠す

フェイスガード界のパイオニア –

「 山城の通気性と肌心地の良い生地でヤケーヌ作って! 」




A pioneer in the face guard world.

“Make Yakene with Yamashiro’s breathable and comfortable fabric! ”

We have received many comments like this.
At first, we were skeptical about “Yakenu? I was skeptical. Besides, the product name “Yakenu” is supposed to be a trademark of Marufuku Textile. There are many different names for it, such as “face guard mask,” “face mask,” etc., but not all of our customers called it “Yakenu.


I was surprised at this level of recognition.
We were surprised at this level of recognition.

綿 コットン 100 % 100 % % 天然 素材 生地

今を解決してあげたい –


「 オリジナルヤケーヌ作れますか? 」

耳の部分で調整できるアジャスター、鼻や顎のフィット感を調整してくれる細いゴム、大きく開いて息がしやすく通気性の良い開口部、手先が器用でない方でも楽ちん着脱ができる後ろ首のマジックテープ …



I want to solve your problem now.

After purchasing the actual product, I found myself inquiring to Marufuku Textile.

I asked Marufuku Textile, “Can you make an original Yakenu? It was that perfect.

The Yakenu was that complete.
The Yakenu has adjustable adjusters at the ears, thin elastic to adjust the fit of the nose and chin, a wide opening for easy breathing and ventilation, and Velcro at the back neck for easy on/off even for those who are not dexterous ….

To be honest, it was too late for Yamashiro to develop a product from scratch.
If it had been a different product, I might have been involved in its development.
However, for those who are worried about wearing masks in midsummer when the discomfort index is at its maximum, now is the time!
You need it now!

ガーゼ w ダブル 肌 優しい 柔らかい マシュマロ ホイップ




Isn’t it a collaboration of professionals and no enemies? 

Yamashiro has knowledge and expertise in natural materials such as cotton and linen.
He has a lot of feedback from customers about the comfort of the garments and their requests, but he has zero experience with Yakene production. We had no choice but to leave this to the professionals.
So you took advantage of the “skip the class” system instead of starting from zero.

After that, the conversation went smoothly, and we were even allowed to use the trademarked word “Yakene” to describe the Yakene cotton that was born.

染め 染 草木 天然 ナチュラル オーガニック sdgs エシカル

楊柳生地を選択しない覚悟 –



Preparedness not to choose a Cotton Pleats

In creating Yakenu, we examined a variety of fabrics.
Several types of Cotton Pleats, Yamashiro’s specialty, which allows air to pass between the uneven surfaces so that the skin is always clean. As a backup, we also sampled several types of gauze and W gauze.

As a result, we found that the W gauze fabric with a contact cooling effect, rather than Yamashiro’s Yang-yanagi fabric, was the most comfortable on the skin. It still took courage to decide whether to use this W gauze fabric or not.

ヤケーヌ やけーぬ やけえぬ ヤケエヌ 丸福 繊維 会社

こだわったのは肌心地 –


一方、採用した接触冷感効果のあるWガーゼは、綿花の出自、紡績や番手、柔らかさや優しさの全てが山城の合格ラインを満たし、今ほしいんだ! と叫ばれるお客様に、胸を張ってお届けできる肌心地でした。

What we focused on was skin comfort.

Breathability, water absorbency, and quick-drying properties were all in favor of Yamashiro’s cotton pleats.
The finished sample did not look bad either. However, the cotton pleats were a little stiff for a cloth that would cover the entire face.

On the other hand, the W gauze fabric with contact cooling effect that we adopted met Yamashiro’s acceptable standards in terms of cotton origin, spinning and yarn count, softness, and gentleness, and we wanted it now! We are proud to be able to deliver this product to our customers, who are always shouting, “I want it now!

京都 山城 やましろ ヤマシロ 楊柳 クレープ ステテコ 生地 素材

お肌のために限りなく –






As much as possible for your skin.

Many people who suffer from summer mask irritation have rough skin due to steam from their own exhalations, sweat, waste products, makeup, etc., which get trapped inside the mask, and some of them have skin irritation caused by the “dyes” used to color the products.

Since W gauze is used to make even babies’ soft skin comfortable, we decided to use herb dyeing, in which color pigments are extracted from plants and trees that have a high affinity with the skin, in order to solve many of their problems.

The arrow of the white feather was pointed at Shin Manyo Dye by Kyoto Kawabata Shoten, a well-known company in the SDGs and ethical fashion world. We conveyed Yamashiro’s passion for Yakene cotton and adopted the following colors that men and women of all ages are attracted to and that are easy to use both fashionably and in everyday life.

Light indigo = logwood
Light pink = Akane
lemon = Japanese pagoda tree

These are pale and gentle nuanced colors expressed by flowers and grasses.

縮 縮み ちぢみ 高島 京 通販 マスク 夏用

自信の表れヤケーヌコットン –









Yakenu Cotton, a sign of confidence.

Yakenu Cotton is a new product that was created by making good use of the charm points of each of our customers’ concerns, their commitment to cotton and linen, our track record of pioneering proposals, and our perspective that also looks at the global environment, to compensate for their advantages and disadvantages.

It is soft and soft on the skin.
Not only does it protect you from the summer sun, but it also provides comfort and peace of mind, eases your stressful days and boosts your immune system, whether you are barbecuing or hiking.

It also provides UV protection for walking, various outdoor sports, gardening, driving, and bicycle commuting.
The result is a product filled with the commitment to live through the new era.

This time, we are taking the form of crowdfunding, in which we deliver products to those who support us, but all the products have already been made.
We are not developing the product after we have raised the funds, but we have already taken on the risk of commercializing the product.

Why take the risk?

The answer is that we are so confident in the wearability, fabric, and usability of Yakene Cotton.
In other words, we want to propose and launch this product to our customers without crowdfunding.

Now that the hot and humid summer has started, we want to bring Yakene Cotton to you now. During the support period, we are offering early bird specials and set discounts so that you can enjoy the summer at a discount price.
Also, all supporters via makuake will receive a 10% off coupon for use at the Yamashiro web store.

Whether you have never experienced Yamashiro’s cool and comfortable products or you are a familiar customer. Whether you are sick of summer masks or have been looking for one. We hope you will give Yamashiro Yakene Cotton a try.

The crowdfunding campaign on Makuake has ended.

呼吸も楽ちん日焼け対策 フェイスガード ヤケーヌコットン記事はこちら>>>


Easy sun protection for sucking in the sun Face Guard Yakene Cotton article click here>>

Face Guard Yakene Cotton product page is here>>

【 息が楽なフェイスガードマスク 】
Makuake ページはこちら>>>

【 Face guard mask with easy breathing 】
Yakenu Cotton for outdoor activities
Makuake page is here>>



