
夏 真夏 サマー 暑い 蒸し暑い 汗 首 汗疹 湿疹 布 手拭い 手ぬぐい スカーフ




No more worrying about sweat around the neck.

Many of you already know that Yamashiro handles pleated cotton, a cotton fabric with a pleated, uneven texture.
The advantage of this bumpy fabric is that there is less ground contact area where the fabric sticks to the skin. Even if you have skin that reacts delicately, the contact of the fabric against your skin is minimized, so your skin always feels clean and dry.

Now, we are pleased to introduce a new product that takes advantage of this breezeway.

綿 コットン 100 100 % % パーセント 首元 巻く 巻物 巻き物 ストール スカーフ ショール






A summer color that will make your face look gorgeous.

In the hot and humid summer, the neck is always sweating from the humidity and heat…
Sweat and waste products cause immediate itching.

However, once you wrap a summer scarf made of Yamashiro’s Cotton Pleats, not only will your face look gorgeous with the color, but it will also absorb sweat around your neck and dry quickly, so your skin will always be clean.

Of course, because it is made of 100% cotton, it is easy to wash and use daily.

The design is thin at both ends and has a little volume in the middle so that it does not get too hot, which also covers a fashionable look.

Yamashiro’s summer scarf can be wrapped around your neck to protect you from the sun or to protect you from the air conditioning in the bus or train.

Please enjoy the hot and humid summer around your neck and the lightness of the scarf that will brighten your heart.

夏用 サマースカーフ
綿100パーセント / 縦 128cm × 裾 12cm (中央 26cm) / 4,400
露草色 / 白鼠色 / 珊瑚色

Summer Scarf
100% cotton / length 128cm x hem 12cm (center 26cm) / 4,400
Dewy grass color / White rat color / Coral color


