
日焼け 紫外線 冷房 UV 対策 腕 手 カバー 綿 コットン 麻




またUVカット加工済のアームカバーは手早く着用でき、気軽に紫外線対策に役立てられるのが魅力です。 汗をかいて効果が軽減することもなくしっかりと日差しをカットできるうえ、小さく折りたためるので外出先に持って行きやすい点も山城のアームカバーが人気の特徴です。

Arm cover for UV protection that feels the wind .

The perfect arm cover for soft skin UV care makes a great White Day gift.
In the season when we tend to wear short sleeves and sleeveless clothes more often, the arms are exposed to a wider range of UV rays and we cannot afford to miss out on UV protection.
It can be a challenge to apply sunscreen from the arms to the back of the hands.

Even so, we still want to use 100% cotton, a natural material that easily blends with delicate skin.
The cotton pleated fabric, called Cotton Pleats allows air to flow through its uneven surface, keeping you cool, and its quick-drying properties keep your skin clean and dry even when you sweat.

It is possible to stay cool even in midsummer.

UV-cut processed arm covers can be worn quickly and easily to protect against UV rays.

Yamashiro arm covers are also popular for their ability to cut out the sun’s rays without decreasing effectiveness due to perspiration, and because they fold up small, they are easy to take with you when you go out.

天然 繊維 素材 染め 染色 手染め ハンドメイド 職人 工場




Yamashiro arm covers are available in a choice of lengths that are both fashionable and useful.

Yamashiro arm covers are available in long and short versions.
The long version not only covers up to the arms, but also looks cute and trendy like loose socks, expanding the range of your coordination.

The shorter version is convenient to carry and is useful when you wear a cardigan or a three-quarter length sleeve, covering up to 10cm above the wrist.

It is also ideal for protection against the sun while driving, which is a concern in the coming season, and against air conditioning, which can make you feel sweaty and chilly when riding in public transportation.

アームカバー 事務 作業用 涼しい おしゃれ オシャレ 速乾性 通気性 吸水性



Breathable, allowing you to feel the breeze.
Air passes through to dry quickly and reduce sweating.
The pleats made of 100% cotton will surely make you look stylish.

The cute and elegant printed pattern can be crushed for a trendy look.
Recommended for picnics, outings, gardening, BBQs, and drives in the coming sunburn and UV-contaminated season, Yamashiro’s arm covers are also a delightful gift.

Please enjoy a comfortable summer with Yamashiro arm covers, which are comfortable and provide UV protection to care for your soft skin during the sweaty season.

プリーツ生地 UVカット加工 アームカバー
丈長 / ロングバージョン ¥3,135(税込)
丈短 / ショートバージョン ¥2,850(税込)

【 Products】
UV-cut arm cover
100% cotton
Longh / ¥3,135(tax included)
Short  / ¥2,850(tax included)



