
麻 近江 高島 ちぢみ 縮 縮み 楊柳 クレープ 生地 素材


It’s hard to say thank you to your father.
We introduce the Yamashiro linen series, which conveys your gratitude through the comfort of your clothes.

ラミー リネン ヘンプ 大麻 あさ 高級 100 % 100 % パーセント


Compared to cotton, linen has a harder yarn that retains the unevenness characteristic of cotton pleats for a longer period of time. The longer the unevenness is maintained, the longer the air circulation lasts.

スタンド レギュラー オープン 開襟 立ち襟 シャツ


Continued air circulation means that even when you sweat, the fabric sticks to your skin for a shorter period of time, and your skin always feels clean and cool even in the hot and humid summer air, the highest quality.
Yamashiro linen, in particular, is made from Omi linen, which originates from Shiga Prefecture in Japan, and has a high affinity with hot, humid, and steamy climates.

京都 山城 やましろ ヤマシロ 中京区 三条 富小路


It is comfortable, lightweight, and stress-free because of its naturally heart-fluttering fabric texture.
Sweaty fathers will feel cooler than usual.
The open collar, also known as an aloha-style open collar, is plain and elegantly designed, so it is sure to elevate the father’s status wherever he goes.

夏 真夏 サマー 涼しい 涼しく 風 肌 着心地 心地 肌着 下着 インナー


As if water were flowing in the grooves of the fabric, Yamashiro’s light and cool 100% linen shirt series is not only a Father’s Day gift, but is also recommended for those who want to stay cool and I’m more of a wearer than a eater.

プレゼント 贈り物 贈物 ギフト 父の日 ちちのひ


Stand collar with dandyism in a variety of designs and colors

お父さん おとうさん おじいちゃん お爺ちゃん



We also have regular colors that can be used for your regular commuting.

You will love summer even more with the comfort of the breeze.
How about a piece that conveys your feelings of gratitude through comfort?

近江麻 麻100% シャツシリーズ
全て麻100% / Fサイズ / 19,800

カーキ / ホワイト

カーキ / ホワイト

ネイビー / ホワイト

レディース 麻100% シリーズはこちら>>>

Omi linen 100% linen Shirt Series
All 100% hemp / Size F / 19,800

Stand collar
Khaki / White

Open Collar
Khaki / White

Regular Collar
Navy / White

Women’s 100% linen series is here>>

スペイン料理 バル 谷脇悠吾 さん × 近江麻 オープンシャツの記事はこちら>>>>

■Interview with a user
Click here to read the article about Yugo Taniwaki, Spanish Bar and Omi linen Open Shirt: >>>>




