
w w ダブル ガーゼ ふわふわ とろとろ マシュマロ メレンゲ


接触冷感 Wガーゼ生地の美テーパードパンツの発売です。

Beautiful silhouette and soft W gauze

We are pleased to announce the release of beautiful tapered pants made of contact-cooling W gauze fabric.
On a hot and humid day in midsummer, many people want to be cooler even if the difference is only one degree Celsius, but want to refrain from using the air conditioner as much as possible.
These tapered pants are made of W gauze fabric that is as soft as souffle with a contact-cooling finish.

肌 優しい 気持ち良い 心地 柔らかい アトピー


The comfortable W gauze fabric is not only for room wear, but can also be used for travel, convenience stores, stretching classes, etc. The soft and fluffy texture is like a soufflé, and you will feel softly wrapped in it.

パンツ ステテコ すててこ イージー テーパード


The hip area is relaxed, but not too loose, and the beautiful silhouette is achieved by drawing a curve that gives a sleek impression.
There are no back pockets, only two side pockets with enough space for a hair elastic band, coin purse, and keys.

山城 京都 中京区 ちぢみ 株式会社



Simple, smart, soft, and skin-friendly tapered pants are available in two sizes, M and L. Men who normally wear size M can choose size L, which is unisex.

These tapered pants with a beautiful silhouette are proposed to those whose skin reacts to the unevenness and graininess of the fabric, which is a characteristic of cotton pleats. We would be honored if you could make use of them during this hot and humid summer.

接触冷感 Wガーゼ使用
Fサイズ / Lサイズ
綿100% / ¥6,600
漆黒色 / 鉄紺色 / 銀鼠色

Cooling sensation W gauze used
Tapered pants
Size F / Size L
100% cotton / 6,600
Black / Iron blue / Silver gray



