
職人 クラフトマン ファクトリー ブランド

【 山城と人 】
Neu-design / 
パタンナー 大嶋誠さん

前編 に引き続き後編では、山城の人気商品である プリーツ シリーズ のパターン(型紙)にまつわるお話しをお伺いしていきたいと思います!

–  難しければ 難しいほど 萌える!?  –

山城 山城のプリーツ生地に初めて触れた時の印象が
「めっちゃ伸びるやん、服にするのむずかしそう …」
だったんですが(笑) 大嶋さんはどうですか?

大嶋さん(以下大嶋) 正直、イッチバンむずかしいですよ(笑)

山城 やっぱり…!?


【 Yamashiro and People 】
Neu-design / Patterner Makoto Oshima

In this second part of the series, we would like to talk about the patterns for Yamashiro’s popular pleated series!

– The harder it is, the more it makes you glow! -The more difficult the pattern, the more budding!-

Yamashiro:When I first touched Yamashiro’s pleated fabric, my impression was.
“It’s so stretchy, it looks so difficult to make it into clothes…” (laughs).
(laugh) How about you, Mr. Oshima?

Oshima:To be honest, it is very difficult to make it into clothes (laughs).

Yamashiro:I knew it…!

Even Mr. Oshima, who has done many jobs, seems to be having a hard time.
And you say “the most difficult”lol

ソーイング 縫製 工場 型紙 パターン パタンナー

大嶋 山城さんのプリーツシリーズは、シャツ や パンツ の形になった後にプリーツを入れていかれるので。

Oshima: In your pleats series, you pleat the fabric after the shirt or pants are formed.
As a patterner, I have worked with a variety of fabrics, but this is honestly the most difficult of them all.lol

ノイデザイン 大嶋 誠 型紙師 京都

大嶋 どんな生地や商品でも、お客様が使ってナンボ!



Oshima:  No matter what kind of fabrics or products, they must be used by customers!
So we have to think about what happens after the garment is washed.

Although it is not very precise, denim fabric shrinks by about 3%, so we create a pattern by adding 3% to the ideal dimensions.
This is called “shrinkage ratio,” and a fabric that shrinks a lot is about 5%.

So what is a fabric that shrinks by 10%?
But Mr. Yamashiro’s shrinkage rate is 60%.
But Mr. Yamashiro has 60% shrinkage. I thought so at first.lol

プリーツ シャツ パンツ レギンス スパッツ 綿 コットン

山城 すいません(笑)

大嶋 そうそう。もの凄くたくさんの生地を使います。

衿や袖は丸くなっているじゃないですか?この丸いカーブの部分って、縦と横の比率が混ざっているから、一様に60%縮むっていうことじゃないんですよね … 。

山城 うわ、難しい話に (汗)

大嶋 当初はこう思います!と頼んで作ってもらったら、とんでもない服が出来上がってきてしまって。

山城 感覚 …!

Yamashiro: I’m sorry.lol
You mean that you have to use much more fabric and patterns than the finished garments look like?

Oshima: Yes, that’s right. We use a tremendous amount of fabric.
We have to make patterns in anticipation of this, and to be more precise, the shrinkage ratio is different for the length and breadth of each piece of fabric.

Collars and sleeves are rounded, right? These rounded curves have a mixture of length and width ratios, so it is not a uniform 60% shrinkage … .

Yamashiro: Wow, this is getting difficult.

Oshima: In the beginning, I asked them to make it like this! and when I asked them to make it for me, I ended up with a ridiculous dress.
Now, I rely more on my sense based on my experience, based on the calculations that form the foundation of my work.

Yamashiro: Sense…!

縫製 工場 ソーイング ブランド 京縮 京縮み 京ちぢみ

大嶋 そう、感覚(笑)

山城 それは1回目でお伺いした、これまでの自由な服づくり、パターン作りができた環境があったことが大きいんでしょうか?

大嶋 そうですね、それも大きいと思います。

Oshima:Yes, a sense.lol

Yamashiro:Is that largely due to the environment you described in the first article, where you were able to freely make clothes and patterns?

Oshima:Yes, I think that was a big part of it.
If we were accustomed to making clothes based only on the numerical values in a computer (CAD), we would not be able to be flexible.
Especially not with Mr. Yamashiro’s fabrics.lol

ミヤケイッセイ 三宅一成 イッセイミヤケ イッセイ三宅

山城 今までプリーツシリーズを手がけて頂いてきた中で、特にこれは大変だったな~ってアイテムはありますか?

大嶋 う~ん、やっぱり トップス はむずかしい(笑)

−− 一般的に普通の衣類なら、修正も含めて2回くらいで発売にこぎつけるのだとか。それがこんなに時間がかかるなんて「普通ならありえない」と、大嶋さんも笑ってらっしゃいました。

Yamashiro:In the pleated series you have been working on, is there any item in particular that you found difficult?

Oshima:Well, the tops are difficult.lol
(laughs) The current product went through about seven rounds of prototyping. The final product was made about seven times since the prototype (laughs).

— Generally, a normal garment takes about two rounds, including revisions, before it’s ready for sale. Mr. Oshima laughs and says, “Normally, it would be impossible for it to take this long.

pleats please プリーツプリーズ haat ハート

山城 それだけの修正、辛くならないですか …?

大嶋 辛くはないですよ。

山城 萌える…。

大嶋 作るのって楽しいから。


難しい事が出てきたからといって萎えてられないですし、むしろ次に活かせるチャンスがきた! って感じです。

Yamashiro:Isn’t it hard to make that many revisions?

Oshima:It’s not hard at all.
In fact, the more difficult it is, the more excited I get.

Yamashiro:The more difficult it is, the more excited I get.

Oshima:It’s fun to create.

I get excited when I make something difficult, or when I make something for the first time!
When I hear that the product I managed to complete has sold well, it makes my evening beer taste completely different.lol

I can’t be discouraged just because something difficult came up, but rather, I feel like I have a chance to make the most of it! I feel like I have a chance to make the best use of it next time!

プリーツ しわ 襞 ひだ 折り目 pleat pleats 連続して繰り返し続く襞

山城 ちなみに大嶋さんの作業は具体的にどのように進めていくんですか?

大嶋 使いますよ。ただそればかり使っていると手の感覚が鈍ってしまう。


山城 え!服を見たときにわかるんですか!?

大嶋 わかりますよ!

Yamashiro:By the way, how exactly do you proceed with your work?
Do you use a computer (CAD) to create patterns?

Oshima:Yes, I do. But if you use it all the time, you lose the sense of touch.
If you only use numbers on a computer, you lose the sense of what it actually feels like.
That is why I regularly draw patterns by hand.

It shows up in the clothes. If I only use a computer, the finished product looks kind of shabby.

Yamashiro:Yes! You can tell when you see the clothes?

Oshima:Yes, I can tell!
It’s just a feeling I have, like the clothes are somehow tight.lol

平面製図法 立体裁断法 グレーディング パターン 制作 トワル チェック サンプル 修正

山城 そんな大嶋さん、今後の展望(秘めた野望など)はあるのでしょうか?

大嶋 いずれは自分の服を作って売りたいですね。

山城 ブランドのスタイルはアメカジですか?

大嶋 いや、アメカジは好きだけど今は売れないから(苦笑)


Yamashiro:Mr. Oshima, do you have any plans for the future?

Oshima:Eventually, I would like to make and sell my own clothes.

Yamashiro:Is your brand style American casual?

Oshima:No, I like American casual, but it doesn’t sell well right now.lol

If I were to start my own brand, I would like to make clothes that can be worn all the time. Basic clothes that don’t go out of style.
That would be ideal.

京都 縫製 工場 大分県 国東市 下着 肌着 インナー アンダー ウェア

「ずっと 着れる服」– 



– Clothes you can wear forever.-

This is what Yamashiro aims for.

With the abundance of readily available, inexpensive clothing, it is surprisingly difficult these days to “cherish a piece of clothing.
That is why I think it is an important concept to have clothing that conveys the creator’s commitment.

大嶋誠 ノイデザイン neu-design neu design 型紙 パターン パタンナー 型紙師




Because Mr. Oshima has a straightforward love of clothes and has gained experience while working with his hands, he is able to go to great lengths to create the difficult “Yamashiro Pleats Series.
You can truly trust him. He is a true pattern-maker you can count on!

Yamashiro puts a lot of hard work and time into each product, and we hope that many people will get a chance to try Yamashiro’s products.

Mr. Oshima, we look forward to working with you in the future.
Thank you very much!

Neu-design (ノイデザイン) / 大嶋 誠
E-mail  : oshima@neu-designkyoto.com


