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– 重油と潮の香り –

– The smell of fuel oil and tides-


なるべくして不良になった子や、田舎の大自然の中で育った子たちからすれば 雛のようだったと思う。



When I was in elementary school, I used to accompany my father on his business trips to the factory in Oita every vacation.
Summer vacation was especially fun. The ocean was a five-minute walk away and the mountains were right behind us. As my suntan tells you, I was always in the mood for Tom Sawyer.

Even though it was not as urban as it is now, I was still a boy who grew up in the Tanoji district of Kyoto.
I guess I was like a baby chick to those who grew up to be bad boys or those who grew up in the wilderness of the countryside.

In Oita, my memories are filled with many people who gave me shocking scenes, such as an old man at a factory who ate raw bee larva taken from a beehive, a junior high school student who caught fish by bare diving.

I hate to lose, knowing the difference in potentials, I am going the wrong way, and I will write about it in a later post.

三代目 コラム ブログ 日記 記事 歴史 連載

工場では荷物を乗せる台車に乗って爆走したり、メーカーから預かった生地の上をピョンピョン飛び越えたり。15時の休憩に合わせてオバちゃんに媚びを売ったり、父親のトラックに乗り 外注回りをしたり、車を洗ったり。

思い返せば、 両親の情操教育はできていた。

At the factory, I rode on a cart to load goods, jumped over fabrics entrusted by manufacturers, chatted up old ladies during my 3 p.m. break, rode in my father’s truck to visit outsourcing companies, washed cars, etc.

The Kunisaki Plant is now like a second home to me.
I think it was because of these memories that I was able to work well when I started working at the factory later on, because I was allowed to get used to it when I was a kid.
Looking back, my parents provided me with a good emotional education.

縫製 工場 京都 大分 布帛 衣類 アパレル 小物 下着 肌着


2mはあったという記憶だから、1山50反ぐらい。(Tシャツでいえば約5,000枚) これが5山6山とあり、裁断も終わっていないのに次から次へと別の生地が運び込まれて、書類の処理にも相当な時間を要したはずだ。

当時、荷物を乗せて 京都と大分間を往復していた父親の移動手段はフェリーだった。



重油と潮の香りが混ざった独特の匂いを放つ 後ろ姿。


There was a space between the cutting table and the sewing machine area in the factory where the fabric was placed, but at that time, the fabric was so piled up that I could not see over there.

I remember that the pile was 2 meters high, so there were about 50 sheets per pile (about 5,000 sheets for a T-shirt). There were five or six piles of fabric, and I am sure it took a lot of time to process the paperwork, as one pile of fabric after another was brought in even before the cutting was finished.

In those days, my father’s transportation between Kyoto and Oita with his luggage on board was by ferry.

There were many roughnecks on the ferry due to the influence of a movie called “Trucker,” starring Bunta Sugawara.
My father doesn’t care about that, and tells me to go play in the arcade. I was happy to go, but when I got bored and looked for him, I found him writing delivery slips and invoices at the table, away from the rough crowd of drinkers.

Apart from the fabrics he receives in Oita for cutting, he receives the fabrics in Kyoto, cuts them on the second floor, and loads the cut fabrics and other fabrics on a truck for delivery to Oita. He would take the finished products back to Kyoto for delivery, so it was really impressive to see my father’s back.

The back of the truck emitted a distinctive smell, a mixture of heavy oil and the scent of the sea.

It is a piece of my memory.

記憶を辿る 4話はこちら>>>



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