


Yamashiro has been a factory brand for about 20 years.

We started delivering our own products directly to end users and have created a variety of products.

京都 SOU・SOU ソウソウ そうそう ソウソウ sousou




Yamashiro’s products have always been improved by listening to customer feedback.

there are not only the products that were born out of our efforts with our suppliers, but also the products that have grown into long-running, repeat customers based on information obtained from customer service at department stores.

I am grateful to the many customers who have taught me so much, both in our online store and in our limited-edition stores in department stores, and I am grateful that both Yamashiro and I have been able to grow.

付け襟 タートル タートルネック つけ襟 付け襟 つけえり

そんな中、今季新たに生まれた商品が「汗取り インナーシャツ」「汗取り ハイネックシャツ」。就寝時やシャツのインナーとしてもお使いいただけるプルオーバータイプ。WEBショップで頂いたお客様からのレビューがヒントになった。

In such circumstances, we have created new products this season: “Sweat Catching Inner Shirt” and “Sweat Catching High Neck Shirt”. The inspiration for these new products came from customer reviews in our web store.

パジャマ 寝る 就寝 快眠 寝やすい 冬 夏 便利 グッズ

The high neck type can be used as a neck warmer, and the long length of the garment can be inserted into pajama pants to prevent loosening at bedtime, and both products are designed to be quickly removed without sewing the sides.


 重ね着 防寒具 暖かい 重ね着風 汗取りシャツ



Yamashiro insists on 100% cotton fabrics.

especially, the beauty and comfort of the willow fabrics will be useful to our customers in various situations. This belief has never changed and will continue to do so in the future. While maximizing the appeal of the fabrics, we would like to continue to make products based on customer feedback, taking advantage of the characteristics of a factory brand.

京都 ちぢみ 縮み 楊柳 綿 麻 クレープ 高島 生地



We would like to deliver products that fit into your daily life and can be used by you.

We would also like to offer you more “what you wish you had.
Our goal is to enrich your home time as much as possible.


【 ご紹介商品 】

汗取り ハイネック / 綿100% / Free / 3,300yen(税込)

汗取り インナーシャツ / 綿100% / Free / 2,970yen(税込)


