
京鹿の子絞り 伝統工芸士 京 呉服 製造 プロデュース

【 職人の手仕事 】
京鹿の子絞り 伝統工芸士  重野泰正さん

今回は、京都絞り業界の有名人である重野泰正さんに お話をお伺いしてきました。

山城ではスカーフを染めていただいていますが、 絞り染めというと…

Craftsman’s handiwork
Yasumasa Shigeno, Traditional Craftsman of Kyo Kanoko Shibori

This column introduces “craftsman’s handiwork”.
This time, we asked Mr. Yasumasa Shigeno, a well-known figure in the Kyoto Shibori industry, about his work.

Mr. Shigeno is active in a wide range of fields, collaborating not only with domestic brands but also with very famous overseas brands.
He has dyed scarves for us at Yamashiro, but when it comes to tie-dyeing…

職人 鹿の子 京鹿子 京 鹿子 鹿の子絞り 伝統工芸士  重野泰正


By binding the fabric with thread in this way, the “white part” and the “dyed part” are separated and dyed,
This technique is used to create the appearance of a pattern, and most people may think of a luxurious kimono with a fine polka dot pattern.

海外 展開 日本 伝統 技術 絞り染め 着物 世界


With that in mind, let’s take the scarf series I mentioned earlier.

きょうかのこしぼり 絹 織物 絹糸 木綿 糸 麻糸 工芸品 手作業 板締め 桶絞



Huh? How do you dye that? I don’t think so!
It’s not the typical tie-dyeing, but moyamoya~….

This scarf looks a little mysterious, how is it dyed?
Please tell us, Mr. Shigeno!

手ぬぐい スカーフ 洋服 革製品 寝具 風呂敷 手拭い

重野さん(以下、重野) これは山城さんのスカーフをランダムにシワを寄せ、ネットに入れてから二色使って染めてるんです。

ーー さささっと 慣れた手つきで生地にシワを寄せ始めた重野さん ーー

Shigeno: This is a scarf made by Mr. Yamashiro. I wrinkle the scarf randomly, put it in a net, and dye it using two colors.

ーー Shigeno begins to crease the fabric in a whisper with a familiar handーー

美大 進学 アメリカ 渡米 ロサンゼルス 京鹿の子絞り 伝統工芸士 京都市伝統産業 未来の名匠

山城 手でシワを寄せていたんですね!絞りというと糸で括るとばかり思っていました!!

重野 何も意識せずに手を動かすんです。だから、最終的にどう染まるかわかりません。

山城 はじめはどう染まるかわからないって面白いですね。

重野 そうやね、でもただ雑にやってるだけじゃこうはならない。

Yamashiro: So you were wrinkling by hand? I had always thought of shibori as being done with thread!
It is a new dyeing method for us, and very interesting!

Shigeno: We move our hands without being conscious of anything. So I don’t know how the final product will be dyed.
If you ask me how the dyeing process works… I feel like they should ask the dye.

Yamashiro: It’s interesting that you don’t know how the dye will turn out in the beginning.

Shigeno:  That’s true, but it won’t happen if you just do it roughly.

眞桜 mao まお 国指定伝統的工芸品 染色部門 工房

山城 意識せずランダムに … でも丁寧にシワを寄せる。重野さんの手の動きは軽やかだけど難しそう。

重野 それはね、”抜染”(ばっせん)という技法を使っているからなんです。


山城 なるほど。単純に二つの色が混ざり合うということではないのですね。

Yamashiro: Unconsciously and randomly … but carefully wrinkle. Mr. Shigeno’s hand movement is light but looks difficult.
I heard earlier that you used two colors to dye, but I have a feeling that it is not just two colors…is it my imagination?

Shigeno: That is because we use a technique called “Bassen”.
Bassen is a technique that literally means “removing dyed colors,” and it is a method of layering dyed colors while removing the dyed colors.
The second color may or may not be added to the area where the first color was removed.

That’s why it doesn’t look like just two colors.

Yamashiro: I see. So it is not simply a matter of two colors mixing?

眞桜 ふんわり 柔らか コラボ スカーフ ブランド 協業

重野 色を抜きながら染めるので、白いところがあったり、色が混ざりあって二色や三色に見えたり。

山城 同じように見えても、同じ物はないんですね!

重野 無地の状態で紺色に染め、先ほどのシワを寄せます。

Shigeno: Because we dye the fabric while removing the colors, there are white areas, and the colors blend together to create two or three different colors.
Many expressions are created within the fabric. At first glance, it looks like a printed fabric, but it does not have a regular pattern like a print.
That is the “flavor” of hand-drawing.

Yamashiro: Even if they look the same, they are not the same!
What colors are used to dye this scarf?

Shigeno: The scarf is dyed dark blue in its plain state and then wrinkled as described earlier.
After that, the dark blue is partially removed and the green is overlaid.

ちぢみ 素材感 古都色 首元 サラサラ 気持ち良い コットンスカーフ 静電気 ない 綿100%

山城 二色しか使っていないとは思えないほど、絶妙な色合いが出ていて素敵。量産品にはない手仕事ならではですね。
知れば知るほど奥が深い 手仕事と染めの世界。

ーー ん? 待てよ…
この鮮やかな色合いを使いこなす重野さんのセンス、想像力はどのように培われたものなのでしょうか ーー

続きは また次回のお楽しみ。

Yamashiro: It is hard to believe that only two colors were used, but the exquisite coloring is wonderful. This is something that can only be achieved by handwork, and not by mass-produced products.
The more one learns about the world of handwork and dyeing, the more profound it becomes.

Hmmm? Wait a minute…
Does this mean that the finished product is already in my mind?
I wonder how Ms. Shigeno’s sense and imagination to use these vivid colors was cultivated.

We will continue the story in the next issue.

京鹿の子絞り 伝統工芸士 重野泰正 さん



