【 新商品 】 春夏秋冬を楽しむジップパーカー
– 1年を通して快適指数120%のジップパーカー –
– Zip Hoodie with 120% comfort index all year round – New product we have been telling you about for a long time!
A new product that we have been telling you about for a long time on InstaLive and elsewhere!
The Zip Hoodie made of mille-feuille fabric is now available.
The mille-feuille fabric is moderately thick and surprisingly stretchy, making this zip parka usable as a woven fabric even in chilly weather.
The “thickness” that is the greatest feature of mille-feuille fabric is not just a thick fabric, but an attractive fabric that regulates body temperature through its mille-feuille layers, while the surface of the fabric feels smooth and comfortable on the skin.
The elasticity of the fabric is also new and unprecedented, and it maintains its elasticity in accordance with the body’s movement, which is as good as the stretchy fabrics that abound in the marketplace.
The first product, a sweatshirt, was very well received, and this is the second product in the series.
– 抜け感を作る両開きジップ –
– Double-zip closure for a loose look
What is important in coordination is a sense of “slack” in the appearance.
This sense of slack is important not only because of the color match of the coordination, but also because of the design of the product, which is a small part of it.
The double zipper at the bottom of the opening prevents it from being too tight when you want to relax.
Of course, two sizes are available for you to choose according to your body shape.
The heather gray color, which is intertwined with black, white, and gray, is a convenient and fashionable color that can be used widely as a feather fabric for BBQs and swimming, etc. throughout spring, summer, fall, and winter, or as a light color accent that broadens the range of your coordination.
If your body feels good, your mind will be fine.
Please consider this double-faced zip parka that can be used widely throughout the year.
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綿100% : Sサイズ , Fサイズ
ヘザーグレー / 22,000円(税込)