
楊柳生地 山城 プリーツ 綿 麻 ヨガ シャツ お知らせ



山城の楊柳生地(ようりゅう)のピケと呼ばれる加工を施した生地は、細かな隆起したストライプ状のデコボコはあるものの、見た目がツルッとした生地感と”ふんわり さらり”とした優しい肌触りと吸水性、速乾性が特徴で、大人気だった着物衿仕立てのデザインとの相性は抜群です。

The kimono-like shirt with a matching collar, which has been a long-run favorite among Yamashiro’s long-time customers, has been revived this season. With long sleeves and ribbing for layering in the coming season, this product has been made even more fashionable.

The piqué fabric of Yamashiro’s Pleats fabric has fine raised stripes, but it has a smooth appearance, a “fluffy and dry” gentle feel, water absorbency, and quick-drying properties, making it an excellent match with the very popular kimono collar design.

お寺 寺 ヨガ 禅 禅問答 シャツ 作務衣 甚平 風


The newly designed yoga shirt with kimono collar is unisex so that it can be worn by many people regardless of size, allowing both large and small people to choose the size that coordinates best with their body.

家着 部屋着 しつらい 着 館内着 旅館 ホテル


The ribbed hem of the sleeves and body hem eliminates the leanness around the arms and waist, giving a sleek and elegant impression, while the gentle hold and durability of the piqué fabric have also been improved. In addition, the back ribbing at the hem of the body has been tucked to allow for a relaxed fit, giving a clean impression while allowing the wearer to wear it more relaxed than ever.

ラウンジ リラクシング リラックス ウェア シャツ



The basic colors are easy to match with the standard jodhpurs pants and pleated pants available at Yamashiro, as well as with products such as the Soraha Monpe, which is also very popular this season, so that you can enjoy coordinating your set-up. It also goes well with the colors of your yoga spats and other products, making it highly versatile in the way it can be used by the customer.

Yamashiro had previously released a shirt with a similar design in the past, and many customers requested a revival of this very popular kimono collar shirt, but this season, the new Yamashiro yoga shirt has been reintroduced with even more design, versatility, and comfort.

アイアンガ―ヨガ アシュタンガヨガ 陰ヨガ ヴィンヤサヨガ エアリアルヨガ カルマヨガ クリパルヨガ クンダリーニヨガ サップヨガ シヴァナンダヨガ ジュニャーナヨガ ダーマヨガ バクティヨガ ハタヨガ パワーヨガ ホイールヨガ ホットヨガ マタニティヨガ ラージャヨガ ラフティヨガ リストラティブヨガ



If you want to wear a wear to yoga class but are not comfortable walking around in spats, if you want to attend a class held at a temple but have a few rules, or if you want to wear a layered shirt with a high neck but do not have a good shirt, your worries are solved with a single stroke.

How about a unisex yoga shirt with excellent design and functionality?

楊柳生地 ようりゅう 綿 コットン 100 % パーセント 100 % クレープ

ピケ生地 ユニセックス ヨガシャツ
綿100% / Sサイズ : Fサイズ / 9,900円(税込)
ブラック / ブルーグレー / チャコール





