
ダブル ガーゼ ショート ロング 丈 レングス 楊柳 ウチノ うちの uchino




Yamashiro’s double gauze series has been a long-run favorite since its launch.
Not only is it soft and comfortable, as if you are on a cloud, but it also regulates humidity and temperature between the outside air and your skin, making it the perfect pair of dreamy pants for this time of year.

The use of fine count yarn makes them light, fluffy, and soft.
The double weave weave has excellent moisture absorption and moisture control properties, making them feel as if they are made of clouds.

綿 コットン cotton w gaze 100 % 100 パーセント %



This is a great choice not only for the upcoming hot and humid season, but also for the borderline season when it is a little chilly but still hot, or hot but still a little cold. We have short length and long length pants, and this season we have restocked them in a variety of colors including gray and silver-gray, which have been requested by many customers.

Please come and experience our double-layered gauze pants that gently wrap you in comfort.

二重ガーゼパンツ 丈短
綿100% / Fサイズ
漆黒色 , 鉄紺色 , 京紫色 , 銀鼠色

二重ガーゼパンツ 丈長
綿100% / Fサイズ
漆黒色 , 鉄紺色 , 京紫色 , アイリスブルー , 銀鼠色
