
年末年始 ショップ web ネット お知らせ 24年


いつも弊社店舗、WEB Shopをご贔屓頂き誠にありがとうございます。

店舗 休業日
年末は26日(火)18時まで、年始は1月5日(金) 12時からの営業とさせて頂きますので、ご了承くださいませ。また別途お知らせさせて頂きますが、24年1月〜3月中旬までの期間は時短営業となりますので、ご注意頂けますようお願い致します。
・時短期間中の営業時間 : 12時〜17時 (水曜定休)

WEBショップ 休業日


Notice of New Year Holidays

Thank you for your continued patronage of our stores and web shop.

Thank you very much for your patronage to our stores and WEB Shop.
We would like to inform you of our New Year holidays.

■Store Holidays
December 27, 2011 (Wed) – January 4, 2012 (Thu)
Please note that we will be open until 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 26, 2011, and open from 12:00 p.m. on Friday, January 5, 2012. Please note that we will be open during the shortened hours from January to mid-March 2012, which will be announced separately.
Business hours during the shortened hours: 12:00 – 17:00 (closed on Wednesdays)

■WEB Shop Closed
December 27, 2011 (Wed.) 13:00 – January 4, 2012 (Thu.)
Orders placed by 1:00 p.m. on December 27th will be shipped on the same day (in-stock items only). During the winter holidays, we will offer free shipping and 10 times more points than before, so please take advantage of this special offer.

After a series of warm days, the end of the year is finally starting to look like winter.
Please take care of yourself and we wish you a happy and healthy new year.

京都 富小路通 三条 ショップ 店 ちぢみ 縮 縮み 楊柳 やましろ 山城 セール

店舗 年始特別セール




■Special New Year’s Sale
January 5 (Fri.) – 31 (Wed.), 2012

As a thank-you project that went down at the time of our reopening, we will be offering a 10% discount on all items, with the exception of a few items, for the store only. This is the time to get ready for spring and to pick up new products you have been wondering about!

In addition, web members will receive 10 times more web points for their purchases!
In other words, web members can get 20% off during this discount month.

Please visit the Yamashiro store when you are in Kyoto.
We look forward to meeting many of you.





