
ちぢみ 縮 縮み プリーツ 綿 コットン 100 % 100 % パーセント



The elasticity of this 100% cotton pleated shirt from Yamashiro, which utilizes the inherently bumpy texture of yo-ryu, has made it popular with a wide range of body types. They are also popular in stores among overseas customers and tourists, and are now back in stock, including colors that had been sold out.

京都 楊柳 生地 素材 専門店 山城 やましろ ヤマシロ yamashiro yamasiro


During autumn and winter excursions, it is warm in the daytime and you tend to sweat because you walk around a lot, but because it is pleated with 100% cotton, you can regulate your body temperature and wear it with peace of mind. In addition, since we originally used a pattern with a body width of approximately 140 cm, it is a stress-free piece that also ensures amazing stretchability.

ミヤケイッセイ イッセイミヤケ ハート haat kyochijimi kyo-chijimi kyochizimi kyo-chizimi



While maintaining the soft, lightweight, and skin-friendly comfort, it has been dyed twice to give it a deeper hue and an uneven texture that is not gaudy, so that you can enjoy a more elegant coordination.

You can match Yamashiro’s turtleneck as an inner layer to unify the material.
You can also wear it as an innerwear with different materials such as mohair, which is in fashion.

プリーツ シャツ ブラウス レディース ミセス カラー ラインナップ


BUNZABURO KYOTO 文三郎 ぶんざぶろう 別注 プリーツシャツ

絞り染めで有名な片山文三郎商店に別注した”BUNZABURO 別注カラー”も楽しみなシリーズです。春夏はプリーツシャツを単体で。秋冬は重ね着コーディネートでオシャレを楽しんで頂きたいプリーツシャツ

There is also a rich lineup of colors that can be enjoyed with a wide range of coordinates.
We are also looking forward to the “BUNZABURO special order colors” series, a special order from Katayama Bunzaburo Shoten, famous for tie-dyeing, which will be arriving soon. In spring and summer, the pleated shirt can be worn as a standalone item. In the fall and winter, we want you to enjoy the pleated shirts with layered coordination.
What do you think?

ムラ 染め 染色 片山文三郎 ぶんざぶろう ブンザブロウ bunzaburou コラボ wネーム 別注

■ムラ染 プリーツシャツ 長袖
綿100% / Fサイズ / 12,650円(税込)
真紅色 / 緑鼠色 / 濃紫色 / BUNZABURO パープル / BUNZABURO ブラック

■形態安定加工 ムラ染 プリーツシャツ 半袖
綿100% / Fサイズ / 14,300円(税込)
朱華色 / 豆彩色 / 深紫色





