
綿 コットン 天然 素材 生地 100 100 % % パーセント 楊柳 ちぢみ 縮み ミルフィーユ

– 新体感のミルフィーユ生地 –


– Mille-feuille fabric with a new body feel –

Thin fabric woven with 100% cotton fine count yarn,
The double weave gives it a soft and fluffy feel,
It has a good thickness and stretchability.
This mille-feuille fabric with a completely new feel on the skin is a natural material that has been used until now,
It is a new fabric that overturns the conventional concept of 100% cotton as a natural material.

二重 織 織物 クレープ 肌着 下着 シャツ スウェット オールシーズン

– ほどよい厚みと伸縮性で年中快適 –

柔らかでいて ふんわりさらり、プラスびょいんと伸びる

– Moderate thickness and elasticity for year-

Soft and fluffy, plus stretchy
The fluffy layers of the double-weave mille-feuille fabric not only moderately regulate body temperature and the outside air, but also provide comfort all year round.
Not only does it moderately regulate body temperature and outside air,
The lightness and stretchiness of the fabric will gently wrap around your skin.
The comfort of the mille-feuille fabric is unprecedented in its texture.

スウェット 長袖 ロングスリーブ シャツ 春 夏 秋 冬

– リラクシングスタイルに –


– Relaxing style –

Sweatshirts with a relaxed shoulder and body width design
Sweatshirts with a relaxed shoulder width and body width design
produce a cool look for home wear and loungewear that tends to become dowdy, and can also be used for sudden visitors or a short trip.
You can also wear it stylishly for sudden visitors or just a short one-mile trip to the office.
You can wear it stylishly.

通気性 速乾性 吸水性 伸縮性 ドライ ストレッチ

– おしゃれ着としても広がるコーディネート –



– Coordinates well with a wide range of fashionable clothing –

Comfortable enough to be worn on delicate bare skin
Striped or colored shirts can be worn as innerwear for a spring-like look.
Wear a turtleneck as an inner layer for a warmer coordinate.

Sweatshirts with a sleek design are a great item that can be used in all seasons.

紳士 メンズ 男性 女性 婦人 レディース 男女 兼用 ユニセックス

– ジョガーパンツとセットアップで –


– Set up with jogger pants –

It can be used as nightwear for relaxing time or as homewear for relaxing time.
As the name suggests, it can be used not only for home wear, but also for jogging, walking, yoga, gym, and various classes, regardless of the occasion.
It can be worn with jogger pants made of the same material for twice the comfort. It is sure to play an active role as a city-like set-up.

大きい 大きな サイズ ゆったり 楽 着心地 肌 優しい デリケート– ユニセックスデザインで兼用使いも –



– Unisex design for dual use –

Not only does the material of this adult basic make a difference with its texture, but also the fashionable sizing is a unisex design.
The fashionable sizing is a unisex design.

The hemline on the front and back is accentuated.
Sleeve hems and body hems are ribbed with a good sense of envelopment
Comfort is maintained even when the arms are rolled up.

涼しい 快適 着心地 良い よい プリーツ

– 大きな男性にも対応したサイズ展開 –




– Available in sizes to accommodate large men –

Also available in large sizes to accommodate large men
Large sizes are also available for larger men.
The sweatshirt can be worn oversized for a trendy look or just right for a stylish look.

The sweatshirts are stylish even when worn true to size.
not only gives you comfort you have never experienced before, but also allows you to fully enjoy the natural material in all seasons.
You can fully enjoy the natural material in all seasons.

The mille-feuille fabric will teach you how to feel comfortable on the skin,
Please try this new and wonderful experience zone.

【 ご紹介商品 】
ミルフィーユ生地 / 綿100%
S : M : L : XLサイズ / 13,750円(税込)【※こちら予約商品です / 9月2日(月)より順次発送予定】
ブラック / インディゴ / ヘザーグレー





