
新商品 お知らせ 楊柳 自然 シボ パンツ 発売



Yamashiro calls the ridges created by shrinking cotton fabric “shibo” (pleats).
These pleated “crevices” create a path for air to pass through, preventing the fabric from sticking to the skin, and also allow the unpleasant summer dampness to dissipate quickly, making it the perfect Yangyanagi material for the hot season to come.

Yamashiro’s “naturally grained fabric” has the appearance and feel of a fabric called “Yangyanagi”.
We have made the most of this fabric texture and re-released it in our popular spats.

コットン 縮み ちぢみ 楊柳 プリーツ しぼ シボ 涼しい 生地

多くの方からも再発売のご要望を多く頂いた自然シボ スパッツは、股上は深くて安心して着用いただけ、より涼しく肌も喜ぶスパッツとなっております。ピタッと張り付きすぎず、それでいて寄り添うような肌心地の自然シボスパッツを今夏ぜひお試しくださいませ。

The “Natural Cibo Spats,” for which we have received many requests for a re-release, have a deep crotch for a comfortable fit and are cooler and more pleasing to the skin. Please try our Natural Shibo Spats this summer, which are not too tight, yet feel comfortable and snug against your skin.

自然シボ スパッツ 丈長
M , L / 綿100% / ¥4,950
紺青色 / 漆黒色
