



– Adult Basic Elegant V-Neck –

A new kimono V-neck shirt with an impressive sharp collar is now available.
The Kimono V-neck shirt is made of smooth-looking piqué fabric, which is one of the smooth and comfortable staple Yang-yanagi fabrics, making it a fluffy yet crisp and comfortable shirt to wear.

The pleated bumps unique to the Yang-Yanagi fabric not only reduce the surface area of the fabric and your skin, but also allow air to breeze through, freeing you from the feeling of stuffiness caused by humidity on hot and humid days.ジャケットや浴衣下のインナーとしても



– As an inner T-shirt under a jacket or yukata –

With a V-line collar that gives a sharp impression, this T-shirt can be worn as an inner T-shirt under a jacket in the business scene, or as a piece that gives a gentle impression by preventing the sloppy feeling around the chest that occurs when wearing a yukata.

Despite its relaxed shoulder and body width, the exquisite dimensional sizing makes it a kimono V-neck shirt that can be worn stylishly without being fussy, whether you are tall or short.


汗取りの下着使いとしてはもちろん、単体でご着用いただいても”サマ”になる1枚の着物Vネックシャツは、基本的にはメンズサイズとしてご提案となっておりますが、女性の方でもヒップを隠したい! ゆったり着たい! という方にもご活用いただける1枚です。


– A presence that can be worn as a stand-alone item –

This kimono V-neck shirt is basically a men’s size shirt, but it can also be worn by women who want to hide their hips! It is also suitable for women who want to hide their hips and wear it loosely! It is a piece that can also be used by women who want to hide their hips and wear it loosely.

Comfort is important during the short, hot and humid summer months.
The kimono V-neck shirt, which gives a modern and stylish impression, is available in three colors. Every color is an easy-to-use piece. How about it as a piece that will outlast this summer?

ピケ生地 着物 Vネックシャツ
綿100% : Fサイズ
ブラック / インディゴ / ダークグリーン






