
EAUVUE オーヴュー eauvue 眼鏡 メガネ めがね ブランド


京都の店舗でも、WEBショップでも山城が良い! 皆さんに紹介したい! と感じた商品をご紹介していく”山城セレクト”に、新しく首元を機能的に美しく彩る都会的な商品が加わります。

その名も”EAUVUE / オービュー“。

されど侮ることなかれ、アーバンライクなアイウェアプロダクトにスパイスを効かせながら、引き算の美学が漂ってくるのが”EAUVUE / オービュー“のアイウェアループです。

– Functional and beautiful around your neck – Yamashiro –

Yamashiro is good both in the store in Kyoto and in the web store! Yamashiro introduces products that we feel are good! Yamashiro Select”, which introduces products that Yamashiro feels are “good” both at the Kyoto store and at the web shop, is pleased to announce the addition of a new urban product that will functionally and beautifully adorn your neck.

The name is “EAUVUE”.

To put it simply, it is an eyewear product.
However, don’t underestimate EAUVUE eyewear loops, which spice up urban-like eyewear products with a subtractive aesthetic.

アイウェア サングラス 専用 用品 アクセサリー アイウェアループ ネックレス





– An eyewear brand from a long-established company that has been in business for 50 years –

Glasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses are often left on the wearer’s head for a while, or are often worn by people who want to replace them.

This is a 2-way product that can be worn around the neck like a necklace.

The acrylic resin, cut into a lucky octagonal shape, is made of an upcycled material that is important in this day and age. It is strong, light, and transparent, and is also a material that is pleasant to use because it prevents damage to your valuable glasses, sunglasses, and reading glasses.

老眼鏡 輪っか状 首元 かける 掛ける オシャレ アイテム

ワンランク上のオシャレを奏でる機能美 –


– Functional beauty that plays a fashionable role one rank above the rest.

The clear color of the necklace can be used as an accessory to color your neck, or as an unassuming accessory to coordinate with your daily outfit without being too assertive, as it incorporates the color of your clothes well.

アクセサリー ネックレス チョーカーペンダント トップ


The cord supporting the elegant and urban octagonal design is made of silk, which is safe for even the most delicate of skin, so it is so light around your neck that you may forget you are wearing it. Despite its delicate appearance, it is very durable.

モード コンサバ カジュアル デイリー コーディネート メガネかけ 眼鏡 紐 ひも ヒモ


Furthermore, when you wear your own glasses, this product will make you look one, or even three, ranks more fashionable.

山城 やましろ 京都 取扱 取扱店 取り扱い 店 ショップ 販売 店舗 ウェブ web インターネット





– Clear color that is both clean and elegant.

Silk loops in gray for unisex use.

Dark gray as a complement to chic coordinates
Clear gray color that blends easily with conservative coordinates
Kihaku, which gives a clean look to standard casual wear.

We have prepared three colors of “KIHAKU”.

メガネがかけられるネックレス トップ部分 眼鏡 サングラス PC作業 掛け外し ブルーライト

日々のコーディネートをオシャレ上級者に仕立てあげてくれるアーバンライクなアイウェアプロダクト、EAUVUE / オービューのアップサイクルアイウェアループ。


EAUVUE’s upcycled eyewear loop is an urban-like eyewear product that will make your daily coordination more fashionable.

The web store is scheduled to go on sale at the end of March, but you can pick up and see them at the Kyoto store from March 15.
Please take a look.

EAUVUE / オービュー
Eyewearloop Upcycle / Large
本体 5cm : ループ 60cm / 各カラー ¥5,500(税込)






