
京都 全国 ご当地 サイダー ソーダ japanese japan soda cider


唸るような灼熱の夏を乗り切るお手伝い、カバ印のアイスキャンデーに続いて doué のカフェスペースで始めましたよ。

京都には銭湯が数多くありますが、この時期ご当地サイダー祭りなるものが開催されておりまして。毎晩毎晩それぞれのサイダーを飲み比べ、これは美味い! と感じたサイダーだけを取扱うという贅沢な夏企画です。


How are you doing in this hot and humid summer?
To help you get through the roaring, scorching summer heat, we’ve started a new menu at the doué café space, following on from the hippo popsicles.

We go to a sento (public bath) every night.
There are many public bathhouses in Kyoto, and this time of year, a local cider festival is being held. Every night, they compare different ciders, and only the ones that they think are the best are chosen. This is a luxurious summer project in which we only handle those ciders that we find delicious.

There are many kinds of cider to introduce, but this time there are 4 kinds in total.
Each cider has its own unique flavor and is sure to please your taste buds.

スワンサイダー 友枡飲料

友枡飲料 スワンサイダー


– Tomomasu Beverage Swan Cider –

Everyone has had plain cider at least once.
However, this cider is from a long-established cider company founded in Saga Prefecture in 1902, and this Swan Cider is a reissue of an old-fashioned local cider that recreates the taste of those days. It is easy to drink and has a refreshing aftertaste. It is a refreshing taste of the heyday of Showa-era cider, with no sugary sweetness left in the mouth after drinking.
The carbonation is lightly carbonated with ice, which gives it a refreshing, shrieky feeling.

観音寺 みかん 農園 サイダー ソーダ

観音寺フルーツガーデン みかん農園サイダー

from 和歌山県のご当地サイダーです。

– Kannonji Fruit Garden  Mikan Farm Cider –

from Wakayama Prefecture is a local cider.
This luxurious mikan cider contains 51% Wakayama mikan juice, combining the maximum amount of cider and load. This cider is also ideal for mixing with alcohol and drinking as an original cocktail.
Here is the one that was most popular among fellow bathhouse patrons.

静岡 マスクメロン サイダー ソーダ

木村飲料 マスクメロンサイダー

メロン果汁を使用した from 静岡のご当地サイダーです。

しずおか食セレクション認定、静岡県温室農業協同組合 静南支所のアローマメロン果汁を使用し、高貴な香りと上品な甘さを追求した贅沢なサイダーです。口の中で広がる炭酸とメロンは正に夏! なお味。

– Kimura Beverage Muskmelon Cider –

A local cider from Shizuoka made with melon juice.

Certified as a Shizuoka Food Selection, this luxurious cider is made with Aroma melon juice from the Shizunan Branch of the Shizuoka Greenhouse Agricultural Cooperative Association, for a noble aroma and elegant sweetness. The carbonation and melon spreading in the mouth is the true taste of summer! It tastes great.
By the way, it is so good that I brought some home for my children.

小豆島 オリーブ サイダー ソーダ

小豆島オリーブ園 オリーブサイダー

ん? オリーブ?? 爽やかで深みがある一度は試していただきたい美味しさです。

– Shodoshima Olive Garden Olive Cider –

A slightly different kind of cider made with olives nurtured by the sea breezes of the Seto Inland Sea.
This fruity cider is made with the juice of olives and is not too sweet. This local cider has no olive astringency at all and has a refreshing green apple-like flavor.
Hmm? Olive? Refreshing and deep, it is a delicious treat that you must try at least once.

Japanese Soda Pop –

海外ではサイダーのことはリンゴを使ったアルコールのことを指すんだそうで。シードルとかありますね。なので海外向けにカフェスペースでは、”Japanese Soda Pop”という名称で扱ってございます。


夏を乗り切るご当地サイダー祭り、三代目の独断と偏見でセレクトした美味美味サイダーです。どうぞお立ち寄りまでに倒れないよう(笑) 皆様のお越しを心より、お待ちいたしております。

By the way, in Japan, it is cider, but this is Japanese-English.
Overseas, cider refers to alcohol made from apples. Cider is also called “cider” in Japan. For this reason, we call it “Japanese Soda Pop” in our café space for overseas customers.

A chilled glass with ice.
Pour the cider into the glass and sip!

We look forward to seeing you at the local cider festival that will get you through the summer.

三代目 稗真平





