
ウォームビズ 対策 タートルネック ハイネック

ウォームビズ対策 】- お肌が喜ぶ プラス1枚

TVでは「 そうなる前の対策を怠ったからだ 」とか「 電力不足を国民に押し付けてきた 」などと騒いでる。確かに、そっち側の視点に立つと感じる話ではある。





だから単純に山城スタッフが、自分たちでウォームビズに良いと思う商品をご紹介しようかと思います。なんと横着なコラム(笑) でもお肌も喜ぶプラス1枚をご紹介してくって。

Some kind of power shortage is expected in the winter of 2010.
On TV, people are saying that this is because the government has neglected to take countermeasures before such a shortage occurs, and that the power shortage has been forced on the Japanese people. Certainly, this is a story that is felt from the perspective of those on the other side.
First, let’s review the current situation.

Warm sharing
Warmshare is an initiative to reduce energy consumption by gathering in one room and reducing the number of heating devices used.

Warm Biz
It refers to “an indoor environment that does not rely on excessive heating” and “a lifestyle that allows people to stay comfortably warm even at optimal heating temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius or lower.

That’s what they say.
Comfort and convenience have improved dramatically over time.
For those who work in the city, it is often cold only from home to the station.
If you take public transportation, you get sick from the heat of people and heaters, if you arrive at work, it’s hot, if you go into a store, you want to breathe fresh air, and if you go home, you want heated floors and everything else.

However, it is nonsense to quote here, “When I was young…”.
But I don’t want to argue with you.

So I will simply introduce products that the Yamashiro staff think are good for Warm Biz themselves. What a sideways column (lol), but I thought I would introduce a plus one that your skin will also enjoy.

冬 コーディネート 特集 タートルネック ハイネック



First, the turtleneck worn in the first image.
This turtleneck is made of Yamashiro pique fabric, which is a “brushed back pique” fabric made by scratching the fabric.

This turtleneck is made of “back-fur piqué” fabric, which is produced using the same process as corduroy pants sold in winter.
It is made of 100% cotton without rayon, which is often used in winter innerwear, so even those with sensitive skin can use it as an innerwear with confidence.

機能性 首 温める 冬 電力 不足 推奨


If you don’t need that much turtleneck feel, we also recommend pleated blouses and frilled high necks.

重ね着 重ね 着る 色 カラー コーディネート 合わせ おしゃれ オシャレ


As an inner layer for winter sweaters, the three-quarter sleeves are also recommended for Warm Biz, where you can also play with colors. It is also warm when you get off a crowded transportation system and walk down an underground passageway thinking you can finally get comfortable. You can also use them as innerwear when you arrive at the office drenched in sweat. If you use bright colors, you can catch a glimpse of them and look more fashionable.

下 綿 コットン cotton 天然 素材 生地 肌 優しい 痒み 乾燥 軽減


No, I definitely don’t want to see it!
If you don’t want to show it, we also recommend the tank top series.

人 体 首 手首 足首 3つ 首 温める 冷え性 改善 役立つ


親父くせ〜な〜と思ってしまうのは仕方ありませんが、逆に言えば何故、40年も50年も同じようなデザインで販売され続けているのか? の答えがわかる下着です。


Of course, if we are talking about underwear and underwear, it is our earnest wish that you take this opportunity to try Mr. Yamashiro’s crepe underwear for men, which is one of his most popular products.
It really makes a difference in the way they feel on the skin.

It is inevitable that you may think that they are too old-fashioned, but on the other hand, you can understand the answer to why they have been sold with the same design for 40 or 50 years. But in other words, it is the underwear that shows the answer to the question, “Why do they keep selling the same design for 40 or 50 years?

If you don’t want to wear an undershirt, we have men’s innerwear such as boxer trunks and trunks, and we even have women’s shorts that have many repeat customers.

マフラー 手袋 レッグウォーマー 軽く 薄い 腹巻 機能性 素材 下着

就寝の時にはウォームビズ対策で言われている、”首・手首・足首、3つの首を温める”が有効的。暖房にタイマー予約し忘れた! 電気毛布で寝汗が!なんて時でもパジャマが吸わない汗もしっかり吸汗してくれる汗取りハイネックがオススメです。

Warm up your neck, wrists, and ankles when you go to bed. I forgot to set the timer for heating! Electric blanket causes night sweats! We recommend a sweat-absorbing high neck that absorbs sweat that pajamas do not.
It is also wicking, so you can have a good night’s sleep to boost your immune system.
It also keeps your neck moderately warm after a bath, so you don’t have to worry about layering. High neck and round neck are also available in two colors.

家 お風呂上がり パジャマ 部屋着 1枚 羽織り 寝るとき タオル 巻き 冷気 首元 足元 を守る




Regardless of Warm Biz, keeping the three necks warm is an important factor, and ribbed jodhpurs pants, which can be used year-round, are one of the products that can make your wishes come true.

The piqué fabric provides comfort on the skin, and the ribbed construction gently wraps the ankle with piqué fabric rather than tightening the ankle with elastic, so there is no discomfort from the elastic creaking around the ankle. It also reduces the cold air coming in through the hem, which is sure to be useful in the coming season.

The length is also pleasing to the eye, so you don’t have to worry about the height of the wearer, making these pants all-purpose for yoga, walking, etc.

肌着 保温性 機能性インナー 薄手 腹巻 重ねる 防寒対策 下半身 七分丈 安心 保温


Yamashiro’s Warm Biz item, which can also be used as a going-out outfit, is a pleated gilet that accentuates your coordination with the bumpy feel of the willow fabric.
A long vest, also known as a vest.
Inner down jackets are great for keeping out the cold, but they inevitably give the wearer a bulky feeling.
In such cases, you can quickly slip it under your coat.

インナー ベスト チョッキ 着膨れ 防止 防寒 アンダー ジレ ロング 着丈 長い



The long length of the garment not only reduces coldness on the shoulders and hips, but it is also completely wrinkle-free because of its form-stabilizing treatment. No ironing is required, and after washing and dehydrating, simply hang it up to dry.
It also dries quickly, making it a convenient piece of clothing for travel.

This pleated gilet is a useful item to protect you from the cold in winter and will accentuate your coordination with its yo-ryu texture just by wearing one piece.

吸湿発熱素材 機能性素材 インナー 薄手 体幹 保温機能 起毛素材


ポケット口には【 京のええもん山城日記 】でご紹介したビーアンキシャスさん謹製、もふもふフロッキープリントを施し、リヴァーシブルで着用してもおしゃれに手抜きなしの半纏です。

The last item we would like to introduce is Hanten, which many of you have been wondering about.
This is a warm biz style dress that can be reversibly worn from both sides, the double-layered gauze fabric and piqué fabric.

The pockets are decorated with fluffy flocky prints by Bee Ankisas, which were introduced in 【Kyo no Emon Yamashiro Diary】, and even when worn reversibly, this hanten is fashionable without cutting any corners.

上着 アウター ジャンパー 関西 丹前 関東 褞袍 どてら ちゃんちゃんこ


For a more stylish and sleek look, simply wear the piqué fabric on the surface.

ベスト 着ぶくれ 防止 機動性 確保 ブラウス 保湿性


Of course, this winter Yamashiro item can also be used as outerwear. We also recommend the boa hanten with boa placed on the surface. It is a new challenge of Yamashiro, a Pleats fabric specialty store, Hanten with boa.

ボア 中綿 ジャンパー アウター ブルゾン 保温性


There are many cotton-filled hanten on the market, but it is hard to find one with a boa specification.
Although it is not made of natural fiber cotton or linen, which are Yamashiro’s specialty, its warmth and insulation properties are outstanding. The lining is made of willow pique, which prevents static electricity from occurring, making it an excellent item that is sure to be a great success in winter home wear.

首 手首 足首 保温 綿 コットン 手口 温める



What did you think of the Warm Biz products we have introduced at length?
Yamashiro still has a full lineup of items useful for Warm Biz, such as scarves to warm your neck and arm cover length shorts to gently wrap your wrists.

You recommend functional materials, but winter items that are often made of rayon blend often cause itching. When it comes to your skin, cotton and linen are still the best choice there. This will also promote the body’s heat generation and improve metabolism.
Not only because they are our own products, but also because they are 100% cotton, which is safe.

防寒対策 足元 足首 温める レッグウォーマー レッグガード レッグカバー


お肌も心も喜ぶ山城の【 ウォームビズ対策 】商品は、もうすぐお客様からの熱い要望もあった”レッグウォーマー“も新しくお目見え中ですので、普段着の足元に忍ばせ上手で防寒対策と免疫力アップの参考にしてくださいませ。

Before you say there is no electricity, why don’t you look for the “something” that you have at hand?
In the olden days, warm sharing was not such a cool term, and the whole family gathered around the dinner table, and the futon was cold when you went to bed in your room.
That’s the extent of what I’m talking about when I say don’t get together.

Be at ease.
Yamashiro’s [Warm Biz Measures] products that will please both your skin and your heart will soon be available in the form of “leg warmers” that have been requested by our customers, so please refer to them for warming measures and immunity enhancement.

レッグウォーマー レッグガード レッグカバー 綿 コットン cotton Leg warmers Leg guards Leg covers


Comfort and gentle heat retention because of the cotton material.
Cold neck, wrists, and ankles are the source of all illnesses.
Winter is the time to get ready to enjoy the next summer.

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