
宝島染工 たからじま せんこう 別注 スペシャル オーダー コラボ



一見、なんの変哲もない、お手元にあるようなニットtシャツと変わらないTシャツですが、”ふんわり さらり”とした肌心地のある楊柳生地専門店ならではの、何度も袖を通したくなる着心地◎Tシャツです。

To Takarajima Dyeing Works, which continues to propose new herb-dyeing techniques.
This year, too, we have made a special order for a unisex T-shirt using #1 pique fabric, Yamashiro’s comfortable and classic yo-ryu fabric.

At first glance, this T-shirt looks just like any other knit T-shirt you might have on hand, but it is a comfortable T-shirt that you will want to wear over and over again because of the “fluffy and dry” feel that only a specialty store of Yangryu fabric can provide.

ユニセックス 男女 兼用 メンズ レディース 婦人 ミセス Tシャツ t シャツ


The fabric is easy to care for, and can be washed in the dryer. If you use your favorite fabric softener, you can wear it more “softly” and “lightly”, and you will surely want to wear it every day.

天然 染料 染色 草木 墨 すみ 墨染 takarajima takarazima


The contrasting shading of the “herb dyeing” technique, a specialty of Takarajima Dyeing, is achieved by layered dyeing using a traditional technique called antiresist dyeing, which is like a palette on which paints are blended.

W ネーム ダブルネーム 楊柳 生地 ようりゅう 山城 やましろ ヤマシロ



The impactful yet familiar finish is the result of our respect for the power of Takarajima Dyeing’s clothing and the warmth of the hands that give it shape.

The warmth of the hand that gives birth to the finished product is what makes it so special and comfortable to wear.
Please enjoy the pleasure of wearing a special piece of clothing.

宝島染工 別注  Tシャツ 墨染 / ユニセックス
綿100% / M〜LLサイズ展開

宝島染工 別注 フレアシャツ 墨染 / レディース
綿100% / Fサイズのみ

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