
ジョギング ウォーキング ヨガ ランニング ジョガー パンツ



ジョガーパンツってなに? というお客様もおられるかも知れませんが、簡単にいうと家に1着はあるであろう”スウェットパンツ”デザインになったパンツのことです。

Introducing “enchanting jogger pants” made of a completely new fabric called mille-feuille.
Jogger pants with enchanting comfort” using a brand new fabric called “millefeuille”.

What are jogger pants? Simply put, they are pants designed like the “sweatpants” that you probably have at home.

ミルフィーユ 二重 織 生地 楊柳 ようりゅう 重ねる 生地 綿 コットン

そう、楽ちんすぎてついつい穿いてしまうスウェットパンツって、リラックス感はあるけれど何処か野暮ったくありませんか? ヒップ周りがボワッとしたり、素材によっては毛玉が出来てしまって、やっぱり家着止まり。

Sweatpants are so comfortable that we tend to wear them all the time, and although they give you a relaxed feeling, don’t you think they are a bit dowdy? They are too comfortable, but they are not comfortable enough to be worn at home.
They’re comfortable, but you can only go to the convenience store at best.

綿 コットン cotton 100 % 100 % パーセント 生地 素材



The Yamashiro jogger pants introduced here, however, are a piece that focuses on a “beautiful line that is not too loose,” so they are not only made of a comfortable mille-feuille fabric (see below), but are also beautiful as home wear and can be used widely as casual wear.

Since we focused on beauty, we did not attach back pockets to create a beautiful hip line, but there are two side pockets, so you can go for a short walk or shopping without any hands.

ユニセックス 男性 女性 紳士 メンズ 婦人 ミセス レディース 男女兼用 ジェンダーレス



The hem is ribbed without elastic for a sleek look, and the ankles are gently held in place without being too tight.

Of course, the waist is also fitted with an elastic opening, making this a relaxed piece that will unintentionally relax your mind.

100 % 100 % パーセント 着心地 肌 優しい 敏感肌 良い




This is a mille-feuille fabric that is a specialty of Yangryu, and if we were to explain it in detail, there would be no end to the number of ways to describe it.

Piqué fabric, with its smooth and comfortable feel and smooth appearance, is already a standard Yamashiro fabric, but it is not simply sewn in 20 layers, but rather the “weave” is doubled.

伸縮性 ストレッチ 織物 着心地 気持ち良い デリケート 柔らかい 肌


The reason for the 20-layer weave is that a layer of air is created between the fabrics, and the soft air between the fabrics softly regulates the outside air and body temperature.

冬 スウェット パンツ 家着 部屋着 ホームウェア ラウンジウェア


For both existing and new customers.
The mille-feuille fabric is made of 100% cotton and is surprisingly stretchable. The soft and moderately thick fabric does not pick up body lines, making it the most suitable fabric for situations where it is a little chilly but you do not want to wear a thick or wool-lined fabric. Nightwear for when you want to take it easy.

スウェット デザイン 楽ちん リラックス リラクシング パンツ ボトムス



It can be used not only for relaxing nightwear or home wear, but also for jogging, walking, yoga, or exercise classes, as the name suggests, regardless of the occasion.

These jogger pants also have beautiful lines that are perfect for a city-like urban style.

裾 リブ テーパード 綺麗 ライン デザイン



We are so confident in the comfort of these jogger pants that once you put them on, you will find yourself reaching for them the next day and the next, and we have four sizes available in jet black and silver gray, in sizes for men and women of all ages, men and women, big men and small women.

How about a pair of jogger pants with beautiful lines and a heart-warming feel?

ミルフィーユ ジョガーパンツ
綿100% / S,M,L,XL  / 12,650円(税込)
漆黒色 / 銀鼠色




